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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Book Kaleidoscope 2013 - Day 1: Top Five Book Boy Friends

This is the first day of Book Kaleidoscope 2013, the rewinding of bookish aspects of books we have read this year. There are not too many interesting male protagonists to pick (and I only read 53 books, 10 of them are plays), so it’s not so hard a task. Four of the (lucky) five are from classics books, while the other one…well, I just can’t resist to slip this character from a popular book. Here they are, and the actors who best played (or will best play) them:

5. Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby

Jay came as my last choice to complete the five candidates. At first I had a hope in David Copperfield, but at the same time I also felt that he didn’t have a very strong character that distinguished enough. He is good, kind, tender, but…nothing special. While Jay Gatsby—despite of his believing his fake dream—is a strong man, brave, and determined, qualities I always admire on men. I like men who have ambition or dream, and focus his way to pursue it. Gatsby doesn’t lament on his poor condition, he works hard to get out of it. Moreover, he is good towards his father. Although he is now very rich, he never forgets his poor father. Yes, I don’t approve of his way of doing business, but I prefer a brilliant man who makes mistakes than a sentimental man with almost no flaw. *Sorry Copperfield…!*

On second thought, maybe I picked Jay because I just couldn’t resist bringing Leo here… LOL!

Leonardo di Caprio as Jay Gatsby (2013)

4. Cormoran Strike in The Cuckoo’s Calling

In the first half of the book, Cormoran might not emerge as a favorite male character. He is not charming, nor dandy, and his life seems to be a mess. But while the story is developing, so does Cormoran. He might not be in his best of times, but he is certainly a man of principle and good moral, and he always fight for it. I could not reveal his conduct here, else I would accidentally reveal some clue/spoilers! Cormoran is an attentive guy too; while his own life is in trouble, he still pays attention to his secretary. Oh….I must restrain myself from throwing any spoilers, but what I want to say is….despite of one little flaw of his, Cormoran deserves to be one of my favorites. This book isn’t yet made into movie, but some has picked this guy to best play Cormoran. Do you agree…? :D

Tom Hardy as Cormoran Strike??

 3. Ralph Touchett iThe Portrait of A Lady

Ralph might not be the most handsome and charming guy in the world, but he has one of the strongest points I like from a man: he understands women! Ralph is a guy who gives room for women. He doesn’t have the tendency of conquering women; and he believes that women, too, need to have their own freedom; that they need to make decisions by themselves. Moreover, Ralph is not possessive, he loves from afar. He is not demanding, on the contrary he unselfishly gives his best for the woman he loves without her knowing it. That is an act of sacrificing, isn’t it, and can you resist a man who makes such sacrify?

Martin Donovan as Ralph Touchett (1996)

2. Lord Arthur Goring in An Ideal Husband

I doubt it if Lord Goring’s type would be the ideal husband to any women, but his character is indeed interesting. He is easy going, sometimes sarcastic—humorous sarcastic—and intelligent. But deep inside, Arthur Goring is a kind hearted man. He praises the value of love, marriage, friendship, and women’s importance in the society. Goring was also ready to take a big risk when two of his best friends were in a life crisis. In short, he is brave, smart, humorous, and tender-hearted. What else could you expect to be an ideal husband? Handsome and sexy? Ermm….you’ll get them too, if Lord Goring is really like this….

Rupert Everett as Lord Goring (1999)

1. Prince Andrew (Andrei) Bolkonski in War and Peace

I have fallen in love with him from the first moment he was mentioned in the book. He seems to be charming, gallant, and a very talented country man. Perhaps his only flaw is his over-confidence, which makes him sometimes too much proud of himself. *spoiler* I was really glad when he finally recovered from his grief, and his spirit’s rekindled. That is the man I would have dreamed to marry, if I lived in that era. His career in the war made me proud too, as unlike others, Andrew could see the reality of war (and I believe his views are Tolstoy’s). I love him more after he’s repented; for men make mistakes, but the most important thing is whether he would admit it and apologize. Andrew has done it, and so….he becomes my….

Vyacheslav Tikhonov as Andrew Bolkonski (1965-67)

So, who are yours? Share in the linky below!


  1. Ahaha... I remove Cormoran Strike from my list, cannot find perfect candidate for the roles (>,<), but I'm having Lord Goring as well in the list (just simply love him)

    1. Ah...Lord Goring is such an ideal husband, eh? ;)

  2. aak, cuma kenal jay gatsby.
    pertanda belum pernah baca buku-buku di mana mereka exist. *nyengir*

    1. Hihihi...bentar lagi pasti bakal kenalan sama Cormoran kaan? ;)

  3. Akhhh aku suka Tom Hardy Mbak :D. Bisa deh bayangin dia sebagai Cormoran Strike *walau belum baca bukunya*

    1. Halah.... belum baca udah bisa bayangin... Ya udah, semoga berkat Tom Hardy, kamu jd lebih semangat baca bukunya yak! :P

  4. akkkkk Jay Gatsby, coba ya dia nyata, bener-bener beruntung yang dapat dia, mencintai sampai mati, hiks

    1. Ahem.... yup, bener tuh. Si Daisy pasti nyesel seumur hidup tuh ngelupain mas Jay ;)

  5. Aku belum pernah baca semua buku di atas... cuma bakal segera kenalan sama Cormoran Strike tahun depan xD

    Btw, deskripsi Kak Fanda tentang Prince Andrew mengingatkan sama seorang karakter di drama korea yg kalau ada list top five drama boyfriend bakal dapet peringkat 1 dariku hehehe... #gapenting

    1. Nah, gak salah kan aku pilih Prince Andrew? Udah ganteng, pinter, berwibawa, berani lagi. Selamat kenalan sama mas Cormoran yak...

  6. Lord Goring...sebenernya waktu baca aku ga sampai terpesona banget sih *lirik kak Dessy* tapi pas pilih2 kandidat BBF ya dia masuk juga :D

    1. Asyiik...Lord Goring bisa jadi pria terseksi tahun ini deh.. #halah

  7. Ok, so.... I ALMOST put I mean Gatsby in my list, but I realized I just wanted to put him for the sake of having Leo in my post, so...I changed my mind XD Btw, I have Cormoran in my list too!! Can't wait for his next adventures (hopefully with Robin in the scene this time!)

    1. LOL! But really, I love Gatsby even if Leo didn't play him. I always like a man with vision and who perseveres in reaching his dream.
      Yesss for Cormoran, I can hardly wait for the sequels!

  8. nothing is more frightening than an idea, thank you for giving me an image of that Comoran guy ;^;

    1. Hopefully he encourages you to read Cuckoo's Calling! ;)

  9. Cuman kenal Gatsby aja ;p
    Takut aku baca bantal War n Peace ;p

    1. Ayo kenalan sama Tom Strike maksudnya :)

  10. Terima kasih untuk kesempatan Book Kaleidoscope 2013-nya :D
    Ha..ha.. belum ada satupun yang saya baca (>_<)

    Cara aku aku nge-nominasiinnya gak pake gambaran artis manapun.
    Ugh, saya nggak suka nonton film. Jadi nggak membayangkan sosok artis manapun buat mewakilinya..he..he..
    Jadi bentuknya beda dengan Book Kaleidoscope, mbak Fanda.

    1. Gak masalah kok, foto itu kan cuma buat asyik2an aja :)

  11. Your description of Ralph Touchett really made me want to read The Portrait of a Lady!

    1. Some people don't enjoy The Portrait of A Lady, but I do. I hope you will too ;)

  12. Okeh. Post ini bikin aku: 1. pengen lanjutin baca The Cuckoo's Calling, 2. coba baca lagi An Ideal Husband (memang harus nih kayaknya, waktu itu lagi gak mood aja makanya mandek)

    Btw Tom Hardy menurutku cocok sih jadi Cormoran. Dia banyak fansnya lagi #gaknyambung

    1. Yap, kamu kudu baca An Ideal Husband deh, terlepas dari lucunya, aku lbh suka ini daripada Importance of Being Earnest. Lord Goring ngegemesin lagi! #eh


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