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Thursday, October 20, 2016

Brona’s Salon: Going Back to Ancient Rome with Cicero

I am supposed to do a lot of reports (year ends suck! -_-), and I still have 7 books and 3 plays to complete for The Classics Club challenge. But, hey! A girl needs a break, doesn’t she? So, I think I will take mine by joining Brona’s Salon, though I’m 4 days late… Sorry Brona, I have just found about your salon today! :)

So, here it is…

What are your currently reading?

Defence Speeches by Marcus Tulius Cicero

How did you find out about this book?

For years I have a soft spot for Ancient Rome. Few years ago, after reading Robert Harris’ Cicero series (Imperium & Lustrum), I fell in love with Cicero, who is, probably, the greatest orator of all time. So I googled some of his works, and found this one.

Why are you reading it now?

Maybe US Presidential debates had something to do with it, LOL!... Anyway, I’m reading it for my Classics Club challenge.

 First impressions? 

It was quite intimidating, considering how long speeches usually take in Roman court (from books I’ve read). And I was rather disappointed in finding that Catiline’s case wasn’t covered in this book. But then I remembered, this is Cicero’s defense speeches, while in Catiline’s case he was the prosecutor.

Which character do you relate to so far?

Cicero, of course! :)

Are you happy to continue?

Sure, it turns out to be quite interesting! I am still in the first (of five cases), and I have been amazed by Cicero’s eloquent yet sharp oration.

Where do you think the story will go? 

This first case that I am in now is very simple. Now I am so looking forward to other cases that (hopefully) more complicated, and thus would highlight more of Cicero’s eloquence. Oh boy, this would be one really beautiful reading! *excited*