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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

2019 Reading Plan: No Plans!

December is usually time for planning next year’s reading list and challenges. I have done some thinking about 2019 for some time, and finally decided that my plan for 2019 would be….. NO PLANS. While I am certain I would complete all 2018 challenges in time, I doubt if I will be able to make another next year. There has been too much on my plate lately. Next year, I expect, will be no different. And for once I want to do my readings as a relaxation, instead of a goal. I enjoyed this year’s challenge (TBR Pile and Back to the Classics), and I know I will miss, for example, the excitement of finding that some books I’ve been meaning to read actually fit some of the 2019 challenge’s category! But, again, I long too, to be free to pick any book I want to read, and read it as fast as or as slowly as I need to, or the luxury of having a reading slump without worrying that I might have to catch up later… In short, I will NOT take any challenges in 2019 except Goodreads and The Classics Club—which I never take as challenge anyway... :)

These are what my 2019 reading will look like:

Zola is a must!
Despite of all, good news is, I WILL host the 6th Zoladdiction next year, yay! And I have pile of books ready for that. In fact, I am thinking of doing a little Zola project, if not during Zoladdiction, then within the year. What is it? Let it be a secret for the time being…. ;)
My list for Zoladdiction (I might just read all, or just few of them, through 2019)

Books by Zola
The Bright Side of Life
His Excellency Eugene Rougon
For A Night of Love (stories collection)
The Attack on the Mill & other stories
The Dream (don’t have the copy yet)
Doctor Pascal (if OWC publish it next year – let’s hope!)

Books about Zola or Zola themed books
Zola Photographer – Zola’s photography collection
The Pen and the Brush by Anka Muhlstein
The Dawn of Belle Epoque by Mary McAuliffe
Emile Zola: A Biography by Alan Schom

Herman Melville’s Bicentennial
Do you know that 2019 marks Melville’s 200th anniversary? It would be perfect to celebrate it by rereading Moby Dick. Brona has mentioned that she might host a readalong or something… *fingercross*. But, readalong or not, I think I might do it anyway.

My 3rd  year of The Classics Club part II
Like I said before, this one will continue. I will read about 12 books along the year, but will not decide the titles. 2019 is my third year for the second round of The Classics Club, and I have about 35 titles to choose from. And of course, I am looking forward to next year’s #CCSpin, which will help me picking the titles I shall read.

My TBR Pile
Finally, there are a lot of non-classics in my TBR pile still. I might pick one or two, or more, whenever I feel like it, during 2019. Besides, I might want to read fresh-bought books, instead of the existing TBR! :P

Well, doesn’t my 2019 look quite fun? I’m excited to start it!


  1. In this case, no plan is as good as a plan, right? ;-) I can't wait to read more Zola! And Brona, please, please host a Moby Dick read-along! He's on my CC list and I'd love to have others to read with.

    I hope your 2019 holds much reading joy for you, Fanda!

    1. Sometimes it is, Cleo! Though I know at some point I will be missing doing the challenges too, LOL!

      You haven't read Moby Dick? Oh you must, Cleo! And having others to read it with really helps a lot. Hopefully Brona reads our comments soon :))

  2. It's good to know when to relax and not have a plan!

    1. Right? And I hope, after one year relax, I'll be more than ready to plunge into those challenges/plans again..

  3. I love no plans! Whatever book appears at the top of the pile. Though I would join in on a Moby Dick readalong...

    1. Great so see another possible Moby-Dick read-along-er! ;-) On another note, I tried to comment on your blog but it's set for Google only commenters and Google has glitched on me and won't recognize me. If you go into Settings you can change the settings to allow others to comment, if you like. In any case, I just wanted to let you know I was trying! :-)

    2. Exactly, Reese! And whenever I feel like binge-wathcing my favorite movies, I won't feel guilty for neglecting my books. Hail the freedom!

      Now, Moby Dick is a wonderful book for readalong--there will be plenty of subjects we can discuss. I'm excited!

  4. You'll not be surprised to know that I will definitely be joining in the Zoladdiction :D And I'll join you with Moby Dick. I've read it before but mean to re-read it next year :)

    1. Aha, one participant already fir #Zoladdiction! :)
      And I need to poke Brona soon, as there are already four of us here who'd join her Moby Dick readalong-to-be! :)

    2. I'll keep an eye out for the announcement on MD, and I will most definitely join :)

  5. Moby-Dick readalong, count me in!! That would be really fun! :)

    All the best for your 2019 reading. My 2018 plan was "no challenges," and while I didn't read a ton of *great* books, I did read a lot of books! I'm debating whether to do the same thing next year.

    1. And did you enjoy your "no challenges" year of 2018, Marian?

      Would love to read Moby Dick with you! :) Is this your first read?

    2. Yes and no...I enjoy picking up books randomly and not feeling pressured to do a challenge, but I also kind of missed the challenges to add some "rhyme and reason" to my book selections. ;)

      I read Moby-Dick halfway years ago and disliked it; then I read it all the way through several years ago, and loved it! It's a good book to read slowly.

    3. I know that I will miss the challenges too. But, who know, maybe by taking a year break, I will be more eager to welcome future challenges? ;)

  6. I agree wholeheartedly Fanda.

    I haven't joined in any challenges for a couple of years now and it is VERY freeing. I still love doing readalongs throughout the year, but trying to keep track of anything else is beyond me and had stopped being fun.

    And yes, I will do a Moby Dick readalong next year - thank you for drumming up interest for me!
    I had hope for a Jan start, but this is my busiest time of year at work and I simply wont have time to think about it for a few weeks at least.

    When I do though, I will be combining the book with the podcast - so it may be something like a chapter a week to give every one time to not only read the chapter but listen to it as well.

    1. Woohoo!! Thanks for hosting the Moby Dick readalong, Brona, we are thrilled to join in!

      No, don't start on January or February, it's the busiest time at my work too, it's tax yearly report time.

  7. I did a year of no plans too - I called it my year of reading naked by which I meant, reading whatever I felt like when I felt like it. No challenges which involved reading from a list of books. I still did the occasional themed week - like Non Fiction Nov - just to keep me connected since I was missing the camaraderie of challenges. Not sure about 2019 yet..... But I'm curious about Zoladdiction since I'm a fan. How does this work??

    1. Hi Karen, it's always nice to meet another Zola's fan! Zoladdiction is basically reading and posting about Zola's works (or works about Zola - biography, essays, etc) during April (Zola's birthmonth). I will post the announcement around end of February or early March, and there will be linky to post all our posts - well, things like that. The aim is to promote Zola's works, but above all, of course, to have fun! Hopefully you'd join us next year. :)

  8. I did a no-challenge year in 2017 and it was quite relaxing—and I only did Back to the Classics in 2018, which was the one I missed the most. I really want to finish round 1 of Classics Club when I’m due in April. I’ve read two Zola’s so far, but I really love his writing—such power.

    1. Good luck with your second round of Classics Club, Jane. And I'm glad you loved Zola's writing.


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