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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Weigh in Wednesday (6): Graphic Novel vs Traditional Novel

When I am in reading process, a huge movie is performing at the same time inside my mind. Of course, I created the scene and image by my own imagination, based on the description of what I read from the book. That’s why I love traditional novel because it provides me a wide room for imagination. With graphic novel, I cannot do such thing. Graphic novel already provided the image or illustration for the story, thus we lose the freedom of imagination. So, weighing the two choices of this week, I pick traditional novel! Novels are always promising the fun of reading pages full of words! J

What about you? Are you a fan of graphic or traditional novel? You can share your weigh in Wednesday, hosted by Lauren.

And if you love memes, please check out my weekly meme : Character Thursday


  1. Yes, I have a movie going on in my mind too. Very good description.

    Thanks for stopping my my WiW.

  2. I agree with you on the lack of imagination when reading a graphic novel. I do have to say I love how far the art in them has come over the years though!

    My WIW

    1. Yes, agree. I appreciate the illustrators for the art development, but I'm just not a fan of graphics...

  3. I also chose traditional novels for many of the same reasons you have listed... my mind wants to be in control and have creative freedom with story. That's why I have some problems with book adaptions on film!

    1. Me too, I've never found movie adaptations that are better than the book. Movies can't capture the feeling we have from reading the book.


What do you think?