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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It’s Fanda Classiclit 1st Blogoversary!

October 10th 2011… a blog has born :), and I can’t believe that Fanda Classiclit is turning ONE today! If you go through my archives, you are going to find several of my posts dated far before; I actually created this blog last year, then posted my reviews from my first blog using the original dates. Why I created this blog in the first place? I have answered this during interview for August Classics Clubber of The Month, I will quote it here:

“Around 2008 I have just been introduced to blogging world, and then I thought, why not blogging about books, since reading is always my biggest passion? So I created my first book blog on November 2008. I have read so many books, and I think it will be good to write what I think about the book, as well as their main plot, so I won’t ever forget them after years. My second purpose is to share my thoughts to the world. I blogged then in Bahasa Indonesia (my first language); so that other Indonesian bloggers who do not quite like reading, can have information about new good books. I started my Fanda Classiclit blog only last year, because I felt that my interest has been narrowing to certain focuses.”

In these twelve months many things had happened, and it’s all because of you, my dearest followers and classics clubbers, because you all have burnt my spirit to keep reading and blogging. One year ago I have never dreamt that I would join the coolest classics reading community in the blogosphere—that is The Classics Club :)—make a commitment to read 100+ classics in 5 years, socialize with classics clubbers around the world, create a Character Thursday weekly meme, and host events for classics readings! If someone foretold these a year ago, I would have said: wow…certainly not me! But then, here I am, doing exactly all of them. And being a non-English speaker doubled my amazement to myself (sorry guys, I don’t mean to be snob). But that’s the fact, and now….in the celebration of Fanda Classiclit 1st blogoversary, I would like to reward all of you and invite you to share my excitement…

1st Blogoversary Giveaway

The winner is: Astrid.. Congratz!

I am giving away any books from authors in my ‘Authors’ category at the right sidebar.

The book must be $10 or less, and will be shipped from Amazon (for US participant) or The Book Depository (as long as TBD ship to your country) for international participant.

The giveaway is opened for everyone, whether you are a follower or not (but if you do like my blog and want to get my updates, please feel free to follow me through GFC or subscribe by email). I won’t force anyone to follow me here, because I prefer to get followers who really like reading my posts.

All you must do to be entered in the giveaway is:

Considering of my personality, my reading taste, books I have read or books I have listed for The Classics Club Project so far, recommend one (or more) book(s) you think I’d love and enjoy, and why. It can be books beyond my CCP list, or if it is within the list, recommend me which book I should read first.

  • Answer in the comment box, and let me know the book you'd choose if you win (I'm just curious! You can change the title later)
  • Don’t forget to mention how I can contact you if you win (email/twitter/FB/blog).
  • The giveaway will be closed on 24 October 2012.
  • The winner would be picked randomly using random dot org.
  • If the winner failed to answer back with the shipping details within 48 hours after my email, I will choose another winner.

P.S. This is not mandatory and not counted in the giveaway, but I would be pleased if you’d put little effort to tell me about Fanda Classiclit blog. What you like most of it? What you dislike? And what suggestion(s) can you give me to improve it? Many thanks if you’d like to do this! :)


  1. Fanda, congratulations on your first blogoversary! I think you're amazing. I don't have any blog tips, but I can tell you the best thing I like about your blog is you and your sweet personality -- it really shines through your writing. I've said this before, but you're very inspiring!! :)

    1.'s so sweet.. Thanks Joon Ann, and thanks for visiting and commenting here so often, and for supporting my events! And I am enjoying our informal read along too, we should do it again sometime ;)

  2. wah susah nih kalo nyuruh ak rekomendasi buku klasik, mungkin harusnya mb Fanda yg nyaranin ak cocoknya baca apa, hehehe.
    Nggak banyak buku klasik yang udah ak baca, rata-rata ada bau romancenya, ehmmm, kira-kira apa ya? Pernah baca The Painted Veil karya W. Somerset Maugham mb? kalau belum ak saranin baca itu, ak suka ceritanya nyesek, kita akan dibuat sebel sama tokoh utamanya tapi kita juga akan merasakan simpati, apalagi tokoh cowoknya loveable banget, mengharukan dengan apa yang sudah dia lakukan untuk membahagiakan si cewek.

    Kesan untuk blog ini, yang jelas mengispirasi ak untuk membuat blog khusus romance, blog yang isinya genre yang kita suka banget. Yang paling aku suka adalah adanya tag Time Period, satu hal yang penting kalau buku klasik itu ada perbedaan waktunya, kapan cerita itu terjadi, pada tahun berapa, karena erat juga hubungannya dengan masa lalu atau sejarah, yang membedakan dari genre lain. Selain itu ada Authors bday juga, jarang suatu blog mencantumkan tanggal lahir penulisnya, serasa mereka akan selalu diingat :D.

    Yang nggak disuka apa ya? mungkin terlalu banyak bahasa inggrisnya kali, hehehe, maklum ak nggak begitu fasih dalam engg. mungkin bisa dilakukan dua posting in eng dan in bahasa. Selebihnya udah bagus kok, nambah wawasan tentang literatur klasik yang mungkin sangat susah untuk dicari.

    terus semangat mb! :D

    1. Thanks Sulis! Iya, Painted Veil aku belum baca (nunggu buntelan gak dapet2, wkwkwk..). Kalo tentang 2 bahasa, sebenarnya di tiap review aku sudah post dalam 2 bahasa kok. Masalahnya post 2 bahasa berarti mikirnya 2 kali, jadi untuk yg meme dsb aku post bhs Inggris aja. Moga2 kamu gak kapok mampir kesini, at least baca review2ku :)

  3. iya ya, kasian mbak fanda juga, nggak kapok kok mb, reviewnya biasanya panjang dan lengkap :)

  4. Selamat mbak atas Blog anda yg sgt keren ini dan sudah beusia 1 tahun! Kiranya blog ini tetap abadi (bisa dibukukan), maka akn jdi warisan yg sgt berharga bagi pecinta buku dmna sja :)

    Saranku buat mbak adalah membaca "Vol de Nuit" (Night Fligt-Penerbangan Malam) karya Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Mahakarya Saint-Exupery ini mendpt pghargaan Prix Femina dr Prancis loh, wau bgt kan?
    Aq sendiri sangat suka buku ini meskipun aku hanya membaca edisi Manga dr Elex Media. Kalau mbak mau, bisa saya pinjemin.. hehe

    Saranku utk blog ini adalah dibukukan aja mbak! coba bayangin kalo ada buku yg kusus mengulas karya klasik dunia (itu berarti buku tsb harus 'rata' mencantumkan penulis2 dunia, smw harus ada?! hehe) dan buku itu berisi: cover buku asli maupun terjemahan--aku suka bgt sm cover buku--dengan ulasan pribadi dr seorang kutubuku murni.. waahh pastinya jadi buku yg indah.. pembaca serasa membaca ringkasan sastra dunia :)
    tapi harus bahasa indonesia ya? cz gak pandai berbahasa inggris :)

    Hampir semua resensi mbak disni uda kujelajahi, dan mau mau lagi...

    1. Thanks Jamal. OK, noted Vol de Nuit-nya. Aku masih belum baca yg Terre des Homes juga nih. Tapi kayaknya Vol de Nuit mau coba yg bhs Inggris saja (moga2 ada ebooknya).

      Thanks sarannya juga, moga2 ada penerbit yg baca ini deh... :)

  5. In the old times during my college years, I ve read some classic works written in English. Unfortunately, it was like i am reading alone because BBI or Fanda Classiclit was not settled yet. However, there were some books that i think you must read during this your classic-reading odyssey. First is The diaries of Samuel Pepys for its vivid description of London Great Fire as well as the condition of this old city during 15-16 centuries. next is The Gullivers Travels. The book is rather political on its content but you will like the way the writer described his ideas.

    And, last but not least, happy first Blogoversary for Fanda Classic Lit...

    1. Thanks Dion, Gulliver's Travels has been in my list, but until now I have been assuming that it was some adventures pieces, thus a light reading. OK, I will get on to it soon.

      I've never heard about Samuel Pepys, and I think I haven't explore much classics non fiction. Will get on that soon too :). Thanks for the suggestion!

  6. Happy first blogoversary, i love how you do blogging with great passion. I've got difficulty recommending classics for you, I think you've been more experienced in classics than I am. If there're some you haven't read on my list, those are probably not your taste.

    But I'll take this chance, maybe you could try to read some fairy tales, Grimm's or Perault's--I haven't read either, but soon I will. Some said that they're different from Disney's version, which were 'sweetened'. They're short stories, so if you feel you can't go any longer, you can just throw it away from your reading list :D

    I also encourage you to do read some Asian or other non-European/American classics. If you like Poe's Mystery, you better try Edogawa Rampo, the Japanese Poe ( For another taste, there's Sadeq Hedayat (I've read The Blind Owl, review on goodreads), which had Dostoevsky style, a little bit dark--I must say. I'm still exploring others too, but haven't had much experiences.

    Though, your list have been very rich, it must be fun to explore more books from the same authors. It'll be a never-ending exploration since there're tons of classics out there. So take your time, keep reading, keep exploring, and most of all, keep blogging so we (your followers) would feel the fun experience of reading more classics.

    Last but not least, good luck with your 'growing list' :D

    1. Thanks bzee. I don't think I'll be enjoying tales (dark or not). But I'm curious about the Japanese Poe, maybe I should try him. The only Japanese in my list so far is Ryunosuke Akutagawa.

      The Blind Owl? The title is intriguing (somehow reminding me of Harry Potter's Hedwig though :P). Your Eastern classics suggestions are great, maybe in the future I'd need to expand my reading list anyway...

  7. alo alo...happy blogoversary klasikfanda yang super classy =)

    i loveee this blog, although I'm not an exclusively classic fan, I've got many useful insight and great recommendation by reading this blog. I'm a loyal participant of Character Thursday, one of my favorite reasons to visit this blog =) Your blog inspired me to broaden my reading list, I remember when I tried to read Dickens for the first time and actually liked it!

    My recommendation for you..hmm I think you'll like on of my favorite classic books (not "old" classic but it's classic anyway, like coming of age classic book), called I Capture The Castle (Dodie Smith), about a life of a young girl in an English rumbling castle in 1930s. The first line always mesmerized me: "I write this sitting in the kitchen sink. That is, my feet are in it; the rest of me is on the draining board, which I have padded with our dog's blanket and the tea cosy." Do try it =)

    Anyway have a blast, and thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Thanks Astrid! Hopefully you'd like to read another Dickens in the future, you know, I'm planning to host another Dickens event (again) next year. :D

      I haven't heard about Dodie Smith, but the first line is really intriguing. I'll browse about it later, thanks for the recommendation!

  8. congratulations Fanda! c",)

  9. Congratulations Fanda! I would recommend In The Heart of The Country by J.M. Coetzee. The story is good but the writing is wonderful. If I was lucky enough to win your giveaway, I would love to buy another book by this author - maybe 'Disgrace'.

    1. I've been meaning to add Coetzee into my list, but still confused of which one shall I take first. So, thanks for the suggestion! I have checked, it's on the 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die List too.

      Good luck! :)

  10. Selamat hari jadi...
    beneran deh, susah ngasih rekomendasi klasik ke mbak Fanda, lha biasanya kita yang dapat rekomendasi dari mbak Fanda.
    Eh, tapi udah pernah baca ini belum mbak?
    Tess of the D'Urbervilles oleh Thomas Hardy. Itu ada disebut2 dalam bukunya FSoG soalnya..Sebagai classicer sejati, pengen deh baca reviewnya mbak Fanda :)

    1. Thanks Desty! Aku belum baca Tess (belum baca Hardy selain short story :D), tapi udah punya ebook-nya dan memang udah masuk di list. Ntar pasti kureview kalo udah kubaca deh.

      Penasaran aja, disebutnya dalam konteks apa ya, di FSoG?

    2. Hihi.. buku Tess edisi pertama yang harganya jutaan rupiah diberikan khusus Grey buat Anna. :D

  11. Selamat ulang tahun buat blognya Mbak Fandaaaa... ini satu satunya blog klasik yang sering aku kunjungin, soalnya rada seret kalo disuruh baca klasik. Jadi kalo baca ripiu mbak Fanda bisa bikin semangat buat baca karya klasik, yaah.. meski rata rata tebel, tapi jadi mulai suka sama gaya bahasa mereka yang.. unik. Jalan cerita yang juga nggak kadaluarsa (meski udah puluhan bahkan ratusan tahun dibikinnya)

    belum baca Just So Stories nya Kipling, Mbak? nyok kapan kapan kita baca bareng. aku penasaran banget sama kumcer itu. gambar Sampulnya yang unik (terbitan gramed)dan ceritanya yang ringan pasti asyik dibaca :D

    Semoga mbak Fanda dan blognya makin sukses di kancah blogger klasik nasional dan internasional, Mbaak :D

    1. Thanks Vina! Just So Stories belum sempat baca, boleh aja kapan2 kita baca bareng... :)

  12. Just like Dion, there were times in my life when I loved to read classics, partly because i had no other option (at that time, classic was the only genre that's available in my parent's library).

    And just like Dion, I felt so alone at that time. BBI hasn't existed and there's no classic club I found. I was the type that loved to talk about the books I just finished, to talk about the plot, characters and even the ending. So I wanted to talk about classic books with my friends. But they laughed at me and labelled me as weird kid or nerd cause I didn't read popular books(that was time when Goosebumps and japanese manga were so popular).

    So...I turned to the more popular books and bade my goodbye to classics. Got to admit, that popular books are easier to digest and for a long time, I choose the easier one.

    Reading this blog (also bzee and melmarian's blog) always bring that bittersweet memories about classic back. I love to read how much you love and appreciate this genre. The reason why I like to read your review here (though I rarely give any comments) is because I like to know your insight, whether you like the book or not.
    The little girl inside me was jumping with joy whenever I know that there are people who also like her favourite books. It reminds me that I wasn't weird. Or at least, I'm not the only one that's weird here X). I thank you for that. :)

    About books to suggest you, hmm... I see that you already have a very good list there.
    So I suggest you to roam different kind of classics.
    Try Indonesian classics. One of my favourite is Harimau Harimau by Mochtar Lubis. It seems like a simple story about some guys that want to capture a tiger, but it becomes the journey about self discovery for them. And there's this question about who's the actual tiger here.

    If you don't like Indonesian, what about Italian classics? My favourite Italian writer is Luigi Pirandello. He's one of the Nobel Prize winner also. Since you're gonna read plays, maybe you'll want to read Henry IV and Six Characters in Search of an Author. The first one is about an actor who goes crazy after being knocked off his horse. He thought that he's the King Henry IV, the character he used to play the most.

    The second one started in a backstage of the teater. The play was about to begin when suddenly 6 people barged in. These people said they were characters looking for an author because their story hasn't finished. They persuaded the play's director to become their author. And so the whole story was a mixed up between the characters, actors, and the play. It's funny and has some deep thoughts.

    But my personal favourite of Pirandello is The Late Mattia Pascal. If you could live your life from the beginning, would you do it? Have you ever wish to get a second chance? Because of a silly incident, people thought Mattia Pascal was dead. Realizing he has a chance to start over, he moves to a new city, adopts a new name, and a new life. Later he finds out everything isn't as easy as he thinks. So he wants to come back to his old life. But would everything be that easy?
    I love Pirandello's writing. It's full of wit, irony, dark humor and easy to read. And this book exactly like that. It's also full of intriguing thought and reflections on life.

    Or do you like Greeks myth? There're many greek myths that I love. Cupid-Psyche, Apollo-Daphne, also the famous one like Illiad and Odyssey.
    However, if you love the complicated story, try Antigone (Sophocles version) and Medea (Euripides version).

    Antigone is a daughter of Oedipus' daughter, king of thebes. She's a strong will woman and has a big taste for justice. When her brother that considered as a traitor for Thebes died, the law forbids for his dead body to get a proper burial. Antigone sees this as unfair, so she fights to bury his brother properly.

    1. Medea is about a woman who had sacrified everything in order to be with her loves one, Jason. Later on, Jason leaves her to marry Glauce. Of course Medea can't take this. She does a revenge to Glauce and Jason. What's her revenge is? It will be a spoiler if I tell it here. Since you find Scarlett's selfishness is too much, maybe you can't take Medea's selfishness too. But I like the story. I think Medea is an example of how love could drives people (woman) crazy. And then, we could also see how Medea pays the price.

      If you like myths too, be sure to check some Norse myth. Try with the famous one like Beowulf.

      About your list, if i have to choose from there, I'd choose Tess of d' uberville, Bel Ami (just because I like Maupassant) and of course The Merchant of Venice. I'm sure you already know what's the three story are all about. So I'm just gonna say my reasons to choose them.

      - I actually don't like Tess much as herself. She makes some wrong decisions like keeping secret from Angel as an example. But then, I can't hate her. What's had happened between her and Alec at the beginning wasn't her fault.
      I know that in this novel Hardy wanna tell about making mistakes. You make one mistkae that becomes the origin of your misery then you'll never stop paying for it. Angel pays for his mistakes, Alec does too. But what about Tess? What's her mistake that becomes the origin of her misery? If anything, it's her father's mistake that made her met Alec and started all these stories.
      Because of this contradiction, because of Tess' many wrong decisions, because of the ending, I love this book.

      - The Merchant of Venice is my favourite one also. Why I love it? First because of the setting (It's venice. Do I need to say more?). Second of course because the storyline.
      See... Antonio actually is an evil one and Shylock is a victim, or so at first. But Shakespeare could reverse the role and make me wanna see how Antonio could got free from the contract loan (though yes..I still want to see him got punished for his past behaviours).

      But what I love the most is the solution of the case. How that young lawyer from Rome find the weak part of the contract. Part that's actually so simple yet no one (including me) can't see it from the start. It's genius. Out of nowhere, that young mysterious lawyer goes into the court room and owns it.
      And as an addition, the real person behind that mysterious lawyer is such a surprise too.

      I know this is a long rant about a simple question of books suggestion X). So to summarize it, if I have to choose just one of all the books that I've said, I'd go with The Late Mattia Pascal first then follow by The Merchant of Venice.

    2. oh forgot to answer about which book I'd choosed (as if this comment hasn't long enough. LOL). Of course I'm gonna choose from Norse myth (my latest addiction on myth) :D . Gonna choose this : Beowulf: A New Verse Translation (Bilingual Edition) [Paperback]

    3. WOW! What a long comment! Haha.. Thanks Dewi for your description of each book you recommended. From them, The Late Mattia Pascal I think which intrigued me most.

      About your feeling alone for choosing classics instead of modern popular genres, I often feel the same, even now. Luckily, like you said, I have blogger fellow like Melisa and bzee who share the same interest in classics. And of course, joining The Classics Club changed everything. Speaking of that, we would love to have you back to classics. I don't think you've read all of them, eh? It'd be fun, I believe...

  13. Ha, anyone else could've answered the question easily but not me! The thing is, our reading lists are similar. I personally have difficulties in deciding which one I'm going to recommend to you.
    Then I tried to find some books that I have read on your CCP list (which are very few) and I came up with these two:

    1. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. A lecturer at work lent me this book and I must say that I was surprised. I have never read African literature before and this work is like a wake-up call. The story is about how a remote African tribe dealt with Christian missionaries. Changes are never easy and in this work we can pretty much comprehend how the change (the missionaries) brought impact to the tribe.

    2. Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling. Ya, I borrowed this book from you while you haven't read it, and now I want to have a copy for my own! This is an easy read, no need to think while reading this. I found Kipling's imagination refreshing (and he was rewarded a Nobel Prize because of it); I enjoyed JSS much better than The Jungle Book. I hope you will like it too.

    Anyway, Happy Blogoversary! Classics lovers are lucky to have you around, since your readings and writings are encouraging. Please continue becoming an inspiration for us.. ^^

    (If I'd win, I'd like to choose PEL edition of Great Expectations or Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. Thanks!)

    1. Thanks Mel, not only for this comment but for sharing a lot of times to discuss classics with me almost everyday, LOL! This blog won't be like today without you.. *hugs* :)

      Both books you recommended has been in my radar, I just have to find the time to read them.

  14. I won't participate in the giveaway as I've got way too many books unread on the shelves and there are people out there who deserve them more than me :)

    Happy blogiversary, Fanda, I hope your blog will stick around for a lot longer! I may not comment very often, but I do enjoy your writing.

    Siddharta by Herman Hesse is a classic that I enjoyed a lot. It is about the man who became the first Buddha, but it can be read as the tale of a man searching for the meaning of his life and the meaning of the world. Beautifully written and not a big tome to get through.

    1. Thanks Tze Wen, as long as I never loose my reading mood In classics especially), this blog will be around. ;)

      Siddharta is one of those terrifying books for me (I have added in the list, and I'm going to read it someday, but I still don't have courage to grab it) because I have thought it's rather philosophical, is it?

  15. First of all, congrats on your blog's anniversary. Yours and mine are months away! :p

    Fiuhh! I don't believe I have read more books than you, therefore I cannot be sufficiently confident to give you any recommendation. I take into account your love for Dumas, and therefore adventurous stories, therefore I just want to recommend a bit lighter adventures, such as Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini. It's not very long, and the story is light, but thrilling.

    This might not be classic, but it's certainly historical fiction: "Empress Orchid" and "the Last Empress". Also if you have any time, and you want to know more about Medieval England, please give a chance to Ivanhoe. It's seriously beneficial.

    Ah, and for plays, I cheer for Merchant of Venice, JC, and Hamlet. Those are awesome! I will tweet crazy translations every now and then, apparently, because Shakespeare always makes me want to do crazy things to his works.

    Sorry if you have read those book, and therefore make no use of my recommendations. (But you seem to have read a lot.)

    If I win, huft, may I have Les Miserables? I think that must be expensive. I'd be happy to receive Portrait of a Lady by Henry James, though. People say it's good, but it's still on my list.

    1. Thanks Listra!

      From your recommendations, I have Ivanhoe and the three Shakespeare you mentioned in my list (I will read JC next month), and the other two is also in my list for Let's Read Plays. Hahaa...I'm looking forward to read more of your 'crazy translation' during Let's Read Play!

      Portrait of a Lady is a good choice, I have my own and would love to read it sometime during next year. Good luck, then... :)

  16. Happy Blogoversary :D yeah ... it's very late, but better than never. What I'm thinking about this blog ?? First I would like to give-thanks on your warm-welcome to me this year, not only give me inspired to blogging and read + review more, also challenge me to expand my readings beyond limits. I meet many booklovers but only you who had craving for one challenge to another, makes me thinking, well at least someone crazier than me hahaha ... it's not a bad tough, it's a complement, because not many people have guts to 'dare them self' and you really give a kick-ass as an exampler, whenever I just get lazy-not-in-the-mood, I will ask myself, what would Fanda do ...
    Now, what would I recommended for you ... ( to bad it's spesify for classic's otherwise I give you fantasy books :D), ok gets serious, here is I would really recommended to me you :
    1. The Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen, yes, you already mention 'still not interested' in Austen's works, but between this and Mansfield Park, I found Pride & Prejudice is not only fun, it's also had some good though, even not as deep as you usually reads. Believe me, if you can survive from Scarlett Sindrom, you can easily getting through this book :D

    2. Merchant of Venice - Shakespeare, I just watch the movies, it's really interesting see this stories translate into plays, both reading and visual, this stories also reminds me on folklore I reads in children literature, still searching where's the book in my mini library (I mean my TBR Pile :D)

    3. Have you consider the Asian Literature ? I had in my list works by Eiji Yoshikawa, some of them are classic or develop from the Cina / Japan Classic Stories, several of them are consider adaptation of epic historical fiction. I have Shin Suikoden ( from the Romance of Three Kingdoms ), Musashi ( from the legend of Samurai's Warrior ) and Taiko.

    4. Children Classic Literature, hahaha, you probably already wanna 'hold-my-neck-very-tight' for suggest this, if I can influence you reading fantasy, this genre will give another taste of what is fantasy in classic terms, the list ... you can pick from my list for up coming year :D

    5. Works by Dame Agatha Christie, I'm gonna re-reads some of her works in next year, maybe we can read-along some of the title ....

    6. Did Scarlett by Alexandra Ripley is considered as an classic too .... hoho, don't start throwing things already, but if its a book, let me know when you wanna throw-it-out (specially the penguins edition)

    ok, it's enough ( I think ) and congratulations again, keep on kicking some ass (specially mine :D), wishes all the best for the coming year ahead. For my own wishes, maybe I would want to read more Dickens since you give them as no. 1 on the list :D

    1. Thanks Maria... And many recommendations!
      First of all, P&P, I don't think I'd be reading it in the near future, I'm concentrating in 'deeper' books (as you called it), not just entertaining or fun ones.

      Merchant of Venice has been in my Let's Read Plays reading list. As for Yoshikawa, I have read Heiki, but not too impressed.

      I'm not too fond of children literature, but am planning to read Dahl & nesbit for January. Christie has been one of my fave authors, and I think I have read most of the titles that suit my taste (I don't quite like those of Miss Marple). And finally about Scarlett...I think I have enough with her, no more please! LOL!

      Thanks anyway for your effort with the recommendations, good luck ;)

  17. Happy 1st blogoversary! *tiup terompet
    Your classic blog is awesome, it challenges me to read more classics.

    I'm sure you've read quite a lot of classics. Let's see if I can come up with something..

    - is The Comedy of Errors already on your list for the upcoming LRP? Hilarious though it's a bit slapstick. You can also consider to take Hamlet, this rude guy whose lines are quoted everywhere :p If these two are not on your list, maybe you can cram them in.

    - I see Dahl's Mathilda in your CCP list! I love this one! As crazy as we can expect from Dahl :D

    - Like Dewi, I'd also recommend some Indonesian classics, if you haven't read them as school projects back to dear old days :D
    Dari Ave Maria Ke Jalan Lain Ke Roma was my first encounter with play. Or this one: Tak Putus Dirundung Malang, where the characters are so doomed in bad luck, but this book is filled with beautiful words.

    - Kafka's Metamorphosis! Short, dark, and stab you straight in the heart.

    Now, should I win, I'd like to have a copy of Penguin English Library's The Picture of Dorian Gray. I read it in ebook so it would be nice to own a paperback for my bookshelves :D

    1. Thanks Dessy! Hamlet is already in my LRP list, but The Comedy of Errors must wait for a little longer :P

      Yep, I will read Mathilda early next year, I usually don't quite enjoy children books, but I'll try Dahl anyway. From Kafka, I have chosen The Trial for WEM project, but perhaps I will slip Metamorphosis too to my CCP list, thanks for the recommendation. Oh by the way, have you posted its review? I'd like to read it!

      For Indonesian lit, I haven't read them much in high school, not that I don't appreciate my own culture, but I think English always fascinates me. Maybe I'll read your recommendations in the future.


What do you think?