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Monday, December 3, 2012

December Readathon

I spent my weekend of December 1st and 2nd mostly for December Readathon hosted by o (Delaisee). I have picked Dickens’ The Great Expectations for this occasion, and I’m glad I did that, I enjoyed every pages of it.

I started on Saturday morning at page 189, and stopped at page 466 on Sunday night; 278 pages all. For me, it’s a good achievement because my usual speed on weekend or holiday is 50 to 100 pages. It was my first readathon ever, and I think I’ll do it again in the future if the time fits my schedule, and if I have a perfect book to read!

From this readathon, I learned that social media and blogging are two biggest enemies to my readings—especially social media, because blogging is part of my reading activities. To be able to join the readathon, I must close all internet connection so that I can focus mainly on my book. Sometimes I really miss the old times when I can read all day long without interruption…


  1. I decided that since blogging is part of my reading activities, it's part of my readathon. Though I tried to limit it onlyto blogging about things I needed to take notes on (like Hamlet, which I'm desperately trying to finish a little late...Thanksgiving really threw a wrench in things. :p ) I find that I make better blog posts if I write them while everything's still buzzing around in my head...and I read more efficiently when things aren't buzzing around in my head.

    1. That is correct, Rachel, that's why I always try to write post right after I finished the book, and before I take another book. The best moment to write it is when the emotion is still lingering in my head (or heart).

  2. Oh so true! I do less reading than I do blogging and browsing. It really irks me but I'm still unable to shake off this horrible habit of checking my blog, RSS feeds or email every few seconds!

    And congratulations on reading over 200 pages this weekend! :)

    I've read only about 30. :(

    1. Yeah, sad but true. That's why I must say good bye for few days to my modem if I really want to digest those pages!

      Oh, I'm sorry that you can't read more than what you'd expected, maybe you should borrow my way.. ;)

  3. So true! Social media is what distracts me the most from reading. Especially when reading ebook on ipad, where twitter is only one sweep away :p

    Congratz on your readathon!
    I'm currently in my slowest pace :p *sigh*

    1. Haha..I know! The same applies when you consult No fear Shakespeare when reading Shakespeare, while you can see that you have new tweets to be read at the next window! :P


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