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Monday, February 18, 2013

My Zoladdiction List

I think I owe Zola an apology…. Having been proclaiming myself as Zola’s fan, I have only read three of his books and collecting five—compared to ten Dickens I have, it’s not impressing at all! But I’m going to repair that during Zoladdiction event! So, here are my plans…

Reading at least two books – Gervaise level

I challenge myself to read at least two books, but if time permits, I will add one more, from this list:
- The Masterpiece
- La Bete Humaine
- The Debacle
Those are the only three remaining Zola books in my pile which I haven’t read yet. But it might soon change, as I have another plan during Zoladdiction…

Buying more book(s)

I have intended to expand my Zola collections, but there are so many temptations lately that it has been neglected. This year I must add at least 2-3 of these books:
- The Kill
- The Belly of Paris
- The Fortune of the Rougons
- The Earth
- The Ladies’ Paradise
- Pot Luck (Pot-Bouille)
- Nana

Are you eager to make your acquaintance with Monsieur Zola? You can do it by participating at Zoladdiction, a Zola Reading Event in April. Signing up is already opened! And for you who had participated or are thinking of participating, what would you read for Zoladdiction?


  1. I am a newbie to Zola. As I had heard about Germinal from many bloggers, I think I would go for it.

    1. Germinal is a good choice to start! It's my favorite book last year, and from what I've heard, it seems to be Zola's best work.

  2. Seeing how I didn't finish your Gone with the Wind readalong (which I will this year, promise!!) I hesitate to join Zoladdiction month ;) I DID read a little about him and his wife though, in Parisians by Graham Robb (a wonderful book that tells the history of Paris through its many prominent inhabitants). I hope you can make a dent in your Zola to-read pile :)

    1. What happen, are you busy right now, or a little distracting? I think Zola is quite light to read, but of course it's up to you... :)

  3. I'm planning to read the first two or three in the series in April as you know but I rather like your idea of also taking the time to seek out one or two more to add to the bookshelves to encourage further reading... ;)

    1. Let's give Zola more attention and dedicate next month for him!...


What do you think?