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Monday, April 1, 2013

Zoladdiction Master Post

Are you ready to be exposed to Zoladdiction this month? See the announcement to find all about this event. In short, o (delaisse) and I are hosting this event to praise and spread the knowledge (and addiction) of Émile Zola’s works to celebrate the Naturalist's birthday on April 2nd. To join us, you can simply sign up this event, read as much as Zola’s works as possible, post your thoughts, and share them in the linky below.

To refresh your memory, there are three levels you can choose:

1st level: Maheude (reading 1 book)
2nd level: Gervaise (reading 2-3 books)
3rd level: Nana (reading 4 books or more)

Whichever is your choice, let’s have fun with Zola for the whole month. Hey, wouldn’t it be a great time to add more Zola books in your collection too? So let’s read, let’s post, let’s shop, or let’s watch movies adaptation, all because we are in Zoladdiction! :)

Wrap Up

In the end of April (or within first week of May in the least), we encourage you to post a wrap-up of Zoladdiction:
  • Tell us what you have done with Zola during April.
  • Share your thoughts or feelings after you worked on with Zola for a month, do you begin to like him, have you been struggling with the books, or do you love him even more? Tell us everything!
  • What next? Do you have any future plan with Zola?

Of course you are free to say anything in your wrap up post, you are not obliged to answer all the questions, it’s just to give you ideas. You can put the link of your wrap up post in the same linky below (I only prepare one linky for all posts).

Now, kick it off, guys…and let the Zoladdiction begin!

P.S. For sharing, discussions or questions, use hashtag #Zoladdiction in twitter and mention me @Fanda_A so I can buzz it.


  1. I have kicked off my Zoladdiction Reading Event with some information on Emile Zola and the book that I have chosen to read in April! I think I am going to really like this one!

    1. Thanks for the article, it's a best way indeed to kick-of Zoladdiction, by knowing him more personally, and from that gets more understanding on his works. Have fun! ^^

  2. I have a pretty full reading month this April (I've been a bit backed up ever since February, to tell the truth!), but I'll see if I can fit a book by Zola in. I've never read ANY of them. :) I should embrace encouragement where I find it.

    1. Oh, I hope you can squeeze in at least one Zola into your busy schedule, Rachel! This month is the best time to start reading Zola, as it's also his birthday (April 2nd). Hope you can make it, then! ;)

  3. I Never read the Zola's writing before. So I try to read in this month.

  4. Oww, I was too late with my review for Germinal. But it's finally done and it's here -


What do you think?