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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Scene on Three (2): The Cherry Orchard

The Cherry Orchard is one of Anton Chekhov’s most famous plays. It’s about a family who is about to lose their estate in an auction because of their debts. Among the most treasured things about the estate, is the cherry orchard, which is claimed as the most beautiful place in the world by one of the characters in the play. The cherry orchard might not be just beautiful, but it keeps family history and secret for years, which bear sentimental memories in the resident’s heart.

For today’s Scene on Three, I picked a passage describing the beauty of the cherry orchard.

“In a field. An old, crooked shrine, which has been long abandoned; near it a well and large stones, which apparently are old tombstone, and an old garden seat. The road is seen to Gaev’s estate. On one side dark poplars, behind them begins the cherry orchard. In the distance is a row of telegraph poles, and far, far away on the horizon are the indistinct signs of a large town, which can only be seen on the finest and clearest days. It is close on sunset.”

I didn’t get used to read a playwright which is describing the scene so detailed, so this one is quite amazed me.

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  • Meme ini diadakan setiap tanggal yang mengandung angka tiga, sesuai dengan ketersediaan tanggal di bulan tersebut (tanggal 3, 13, 23, 30, dan 31).


  1. This sounds really good! I read some Chekhov short stories - will have to check out his plays sometime.

    1. Yes, it is interesting. It's quite different with Wilde's.

  2. Sepertinya romantisch sekali tempat itu ^^

    Btw, ada tips and trick untuk membaca playwright nggak? Aku masih trauma dengan Shakespeare sebenarnya, tapi penasaran pengen ngerti.

    1. Baca play harus sambil membayangkan adegan-adegannya sesuai keterangan penulis, dan bayangkan adegan itu berlangsung di atas panggung. Kamu gak berhasil dgn Shakespeare mungkin karena bahasanya. Coba deh Oscar Wilde sebagai start, bagus dan lucu kok. Coba juga playwright2 lain yg lebih modern dari Shakespeare.

  3. ahhh ini yang katamu banyak metafora juga ya mba fan? jadi penasaran, aku belum pernah baca play sebelumnya xD btw cherry orchard itu bikin pengen tidur2an sambil baca buku di bawah pohon ya....

    1. yup! Ayo coba Astrid!
      Baca buku sambil tidur2an? Gak ah...ntar tertidur malah rugi. Enakan sambil duduk di bawah pohon aja, enak rindang... :)

  4. Wah, di play mencantumkan detail setting indah gini, ngebayangin repotnya si penata panggung, hehehe. Baru pernah nyoba dengerin audiobook salah satu cerpen Chekov, dan cuma paham separo XD

    1. Hmm...paling2 dikasih papan dekor sih, hahaha...
      Chekhov di play ini pake banyak metafora/alegori, jadi mungkin karya dia lebih 'smart' dari yg lain, jadi gak gampang dipahami. Butuh 'otak prima' istilahnya :))


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