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Monday, September 23, 2013

Scene on Three (6): Hamlet

I am now reading one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies: Hamlet. This scene is taken from the beginning of Act one, where some officers were on night watch together with Horatio (Hamlet’s friend). It was near twilight, when they saw the ghost of the late King appeared. However, before they brought it into conversation, the cock crowed, and the ghost disappeared. Apparently ghosts or spirits would immediately disappeared when cocks begin to crow. Shakespeare connected this to (a myth?) that two thousand years ago, when Christ was born, the cocks crowed all night long, and no spirit dared to appear. I’m just amazed at this scene, which feels so tranquil and so divine…. I think this scene would appear in my mind every time I sing Silent Night from now on! Oh, but if the cock crowed all night long, it was not that silent then? :)

Some say that ever ‘gainst that season comes
Wherein our Saviour’s birth is celebrated,
The bird of dawning singeth all night long;
And then, they say, no spirit dare to stir abroad;
The nights are wholesome; then no planet strikes,
No fairy takes, nor witch hath power to charm;
So hallow’d and so gracious is the time.”


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  • Tuliskan suatu adegan atau deskripsi pemandangan/manusia/situasi/kota dan sebagainya ke dalam suatu post.
  • Jelaskan mengapa adegan atau deskripsi itu menarik, menurut versi kalian masing-masing.
  • Jangan lupa cantumkan button Scene on Three di dalam post dengan link menuju blog BacaanB.Zee.
  • Masukkan link post kalian ke link tools yang ada di bawah post Bacaan B.Zee, sekalian saling mengunjungi sesama peserta Scene on Three.
  • Meme ini diadakan setiap tanggal yang mengandung angka tiga, sesuai dengan ketersediaan tanggal di bulan tersebut (tanggal 3, 13, 23, 30, dan 31).


  1. beautiful..and the picture is so perfect :)

  2. Jadi ingat bacaan plays-list-ku (\_/) mundur tahun depan ya .... *sighs*
    Kapan hari coba buka Hamlet, baru beberapa kalimat sdh 'puyeng' jadi masuk lagi ke dlm timbunan

    1. Kan bisa pake No Fear Shakespeare? Ayo baca...kayaknya bagus kok Hamlet!

  3. Aih, ini baru berapa Act kesela buku lain... baru tahu tentang mitos itu :D

    1. Loh, kamu baca Hamlet juga ya? Bareng yuuk!
      Aku juga baru tahu mitos itu, kayaknya sih mitos kuno, sekarang gak pernah ada/terdengar.


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