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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My Personal Readathon

As I have mentioned in my The Classics Club Sync Read post the other day, I have been determined to have a personal readathon from Monday evening to Tuesday evening, as it was a national holiday in Indonesia on the 5th of November. Twitting my intention, one of my Indonesian blogger fellows, Astrid, expressed her interest in joining me. So, from Monday evening we were on our silent readathon; being determined to read as much as we could, while texting each other our progress every now and then. 

My choice was David Copperfield, and what a choice I've made! David Copperfield turned out to be a very enjoyable reading from the beginning. I was mixed between crying and laughing during the readathon, and at the end, found myself to have swallowed not less than 177 pages! It might not be very impressive to you, but in my lately pace of reading, it was an achievement. And I'm proud of myself for it.

My complete readathon progress is like this...

Monday, Nov 4th
18:56 - Started p. 11 (I have read the first ten pages few days ago).
20:16 - Stopped at p. 31, I was too sleepy to read those tiny fonts, and so I stopped and got to sleep early.

Tuesday, Nov 5th
06:45 - Began p. 32.
11:05 - Stopped at p. 97 to prepare for lunch, and had lunch.
11:28 - Started again from p. 98 after lunch.
13:00 - Stopped for a while at p. 122, to give my tired eyes some rest, while I was tidying my bedroom.
13:43 - Resumed the reading from p. 123.
14:44 - Stopped again to have some rest at p. 140.
15:39 - Started from p. 141.
16:10 - Stopped at p. 149, took a bath and had some 'bakso' (meatballs) snack :)
16:56 - Started again from p. 150.
18:13 - Stopped for dinner at p. 167.
18:37 - Restarted from p. 168.
19:37 - Stopped at p. 187, my eyes were very tired, and the story met a new phase here, so I guess it's a best point to end the readathon.

So, overall, I have read 177 pages during 24 hours, with all the pauses. I must thank Astrid for accompanying me in this readathon. Really, knowing that someone else was reading with me at the same time, encouraged me to keep going on. It was really fun, Astrid! Let us do another readathon some other time!


  1. It's so much fun, Mbak, I'm grateful that I could join you. We should do this again some time :) Especially if we have difficult read that needs an additional booster :)

    1. wah kelewatan .... lain kali colekin ya :D mbak astrid baca apa ya *mupeng*

    2. Sip! Kemarin ini mendadak Astrid mention pas aku udah mau pulang. Trs lanjut SMS-an, jd tanpa rencana sih. OK, lain kali dibuatin rencana deh. *nasib jadi host mulu, padahal udah janji mau tobat* >_<


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