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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Birthday Celebration & Reading Dickens February 2014

February is a special month for me—no, it’s not because of the Valentine’s things!—firstly, since it is the month I celebrate my birthday; but in the last few years February also means the birthday month of one of my favorite authors: Charles Dickens. For two consecutive years I have been reading Dickens (and hosting Dickens event) during February, but I am declined to do it this year as I have been hosting the History Reading Challenge—and reading histories is already quite challenging for me. However, this year I’m going to read a book about Dickens: The Invisible Woman by Claire Tomalin; and approaching my birthday, I suddenly have the itch to host something simple to celebrate mine and Dickens’ birthday. Between a birthday bash and reading Dickens, I finally come up with…

Birthday Celebration & Reading Dickens
February 2014

I would host a book giveaway during February, opened for International participants starting February 1st. Everyone is welcomed to participate!

For you who want to read books by or about Dickens during February to celebrate the author’s birthday, I will provide a linky below where you can submit your reviews during February (will be opened on February 1st). In the end of the month, if there are five or more participants (not reviews), every review in the linky would be eligible to join my second giveaway!

In short, you can all join my birthday giveaway, but if you read Dickens with me, you’d be eligible to join in two giveaways.

About Reading Dickens, you can pick books by Dickens, or books about Dickens (biography, historical fiction, history, etc.). Rereading is allowed, but not reposting (reviews from the past).

So…..would you be in? Are you excited? Would you read Dickens? What book(s)? Tell me! ;)



  1. I'm in! I was waiting for you to announce it! :) I will pick up something by Dickens, but I'm still not sure what :)

    1. LOL....Seems I will never be able to abandon Dickens every February, eh? ;)

    2. Nooo, never :) We are not bullying, it's just public pressure, you know :)

    3. I know, just kidding... It's not a pressure; it's always a pleasure to read another Dickens! ;)

  2. I think I'm in -.- ragu2 gtu, tapi ada sih buku dickens yg belum dibaca wkwkwk #pilihyangpalingtipis

    1. Yang paling tipis... A Christmas Carol kayaknya :D

    2. Siip! Kalaupun gak sempet baca Dickens, silakan ikut Birthday GA-nya yaa... ^^

  3. Yay! I'm so glad that you would host two giveaways, one open for everyone and one for Reading Dickens participants, since this time I can't join the reading event. Looking forward to your review of The Invisible Woman!

  4. aku berencana ikut, karena pas bulan february aku mau baca great expectation, makin asikk nih karna ada giveaway juga :)

    1. Horeee.... Esi bakal ikut. Great Expectations salah satu favoritku dari Dickens, kamu bakal suka deh ;)

  5. I'm in. I'll be reading Great Expectations.

  6. Yes, yes, yes!! Thanks Mbak Fanda, for finally hosting this cool event :D I'm still waiting for my Great Expectations to arrive, it's gonna be my first PEL book too, cant wait!!!! :)))

  7. Cerpen gimana? hehe
    Atau segala sesuatu seputar Dickens gak bisa ya? Misalnya:

    1. Maaf....kali ini cuma boleh berupa buku, bisa buku oleh Dickens atau buku tentang Dickens :)

  8. Yes! Very much in! I'll go for either David Copperfield or Great Expectations (or both, who knows!).

  9. Well Mr. Dickens finally could persuade you to do his event once more LOL.
    Just the perfect timing to read your gift : The Old Curiosity Shop, so I'm in !!

  10. I'm in! Do not know what I would read yet. But I do have a couple of books about Dickens on my TBR that I will more thank likely read.

    1. Great! Books about Dickens are always interesting to read, as he is an interesting writer..

  11. I think I'm in! That is, if "What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew" by Daniel Pool will count. Will it?

    1. This event is something to have fun with, so I don't put any limit, as long as it's by or about Dickens.. ;)

    2. Cool! Then I'm in -- added your button to my sidebar and everything :-)

  12. I also have a February birthday - so happy birthday dear Aquarian/Pisces :-)
    My Feb is looking pretty busy, so I'm not sure if I can fit in a Dickens or not...I'll see how I go.

    Good luck

  13. Hi! I saw your Dickens Birthday celebration on the Classics Club page--what a great idea :) I'd planned to read Hard Times at some point, and his birthday month seems like a good time to do it. I'm in.

    1. Hi Marly, it's always nice to meet new blogger friends!
      I have always been curious about Hard Times, I'll come to it someday. But before that, I'm looking forward to read your thoughts about the book.

  14. Hey Fanda :) I've written a review of Hard Times, but I can't get the linky to work!

    Here's my post - Hard Times - For These Times, by Charles Dickens.


What do you think?