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Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Classics Club’s March Meme: Favorite Classic Literary Period

The Classics Club has picked a very interesting question for its March meme:

What is your favorite “classic” literary period and why?

I could readily and easily answer this one, because by far, when it comes to classic, my most favorite literary period has always been…


As for the reason….I don’t really know why, but Victorian writing style just fits me very well. Two of my most favorite classics authors are from this period: Emile Zola and Charles Dickens. Maybe it is because I love English as a language—though I’m not a native speaker—and Victorian English feels so beautiful for me, and Victorian arts and culture so fascinate me. I have tried many other classics from other periods too, so far Victorian is my most favorite, and Post-Modernism is my biggest fail.

What about you? What is your most favorite classic literary period? Do you love Victorian too?


  1. Mine is Romanticism. Like you said, I am a romantic. ;) *kabuuuurr*

  2. Victorian was included in my time periods between 1820's to 1940's, though I have hardly read enough to make an informed decision. And right now, I do not care for Post-Modernism either.

    1. Maybe you should try Post-Modernism from different authors, Ruth. Harper Lee with To Kill A Mockingbird or Truman Capote, perhaps?

  3. Mine too! There are so many fantastic books in this category!


What do you think?