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Monday, March 3, 2014

Zoladdiction 2014 - Announcement

Following last year’s quite successful Zoladdiction event (19 participants and 28 posts), I decided to host it again this year (and I hope many years to come). If you missed it last year, Zoladdiction is an event of reading books from the French Naturalist: Émile Zola, to celebrate his birth-month on April. From my (and several others) experiences, reading Zola has a kind of addiction effect. After reading one of his books, you would feel exhausted; like your emotion has been overturned. You would say, it’s enough, no more Zola! But after the shock has gone, you’d quietly find yourself craving for another Zola. Well…at least it happens to me :) So, to facilitate all ‘Zoladdicts’, I am going to host….

Zoladdiction 2014
1 – 30 April 2014

How to join? 
  • You must have a blog or Goodreads account to post your reviews.
  • Register yourself in the linky below (submit your blog or Goodreads’ profile URL).
  • Help me to spread the Zoladdiction, either by putting the Zoladdiction button on your sidebar, or by discussing the event on Twitter using hashtag #Zoladdiction2014.
  • Start reading Zola’s works when your calendar turns to April 1st, of course :)
  • In addition to reading the books, you are welcomed to post anything concerning Zola during April.
  • The master post would be up on April 1st with a linky where you can put all your posts.
  • There’s no level or deadline, you can satisfy (or start, if you’re a new fan of Zola) your Zoladdiction by reading as many books as you like the whole month!
  • I encourage you to post a brief wrap up in the end of Zoladdiction (the linky will be closed only in May 10), and let us know how do you feel/think after delving into Zola works for a month. I’m just curious how you all manage with Zola….

So, how Zoladdicted are you? Will you join? ;)


  1. I'm in. I'll probably start with Germinal.

    1. Good choice, Ruth, as it is (from what I've heard) Zola's masterpiece.
      By the way, don't forget to sign up via the linky... ;)

  2. I'm in too! I'm reading La Curée next and will possibly get to L'Argent as well. Thanks for hosting, Fanda! :-)

    1. Welcome aboard Cleo! I will be reading La Curee (The Kill) too, and will continue with Nana. What edition will you read?

    2. I'm reading the Oxford edition with Brian Nelson as the translator. I've read two Vizetelly translations (The Fortune of the Rougons and Son Excellence, Eugène Rougon) and I'm interested in comparing the two translators. What about you, Fanda?

    3. The same as you. ;) I don't think I have read any translation from Vizetelly. Robert Pearson's is pretty good (La Bete Humaine), and in The Masterpiece, he acted as editor.

  3. I'm a newbie to Zola and will likely be starting with The Fortune of the Rougons as it is on my 50 in 5 Classics Club list.

    1. Thanks for joining, Plethora. Good luck with Zola! ;)

  4. Hahaa... aku juga ternyata, setelah syok berakhir jadi ketagihan. Daftar aja yaa, diusahakan selesai baca & reviewnya *tutup muka*

  5. I'm in! I'll read The Fortune of the Rougons, as it is the first in the series :)

    1. Yayy Ekaterina! Does it mean you are newbie to Zola? I can't wait to read your thoughts on him, then... ;)

    2. No, it's my second time in the event :) Last year I read Germinal, and I'm so glad your event made me do it, as I totally loved it! But this year I want to start at the beginning :)

  6. I liked the event last year (I read and loved Germinal as well), so I'm planning to take part again this year. No idea what I will be readin yet, though, but I'm thinking abuot Nana.

    1. Thanks for participating again, Riv!
      I'm going to read Nana as well. Can't wait till April!...

  7. Oooh, this sounds great. I've been meaning to read more Zola since I read L'Assommoir. Also, my last day at work will be March 29th, and I'll be doing a bit of travelling in April, so this should be perfect.

    1. And how do you think about L'Assommoir?
      Have fun with your travelling, and with Zola.. ;)

    2. Thanks.

      I just realised that I've also read Thérèse Raquin... Anyways, my long-ish review of L'Assommoir is here:

  8. I'm in!
    Do you have any recommendations for best translations?

    1. Yayy!
      So far I choose to read Oxford edition, but they also have different translators for Zola books, and they are good. But maybe Margaret Mauldon is slightly better than the others. She translated L'Assommoir.

  9. So glad this is coming up. I've been looking for an excuse to pick up where I left off last year. I do want to read the final Rougon-Macquart novel and then find something in the middle. There are too many choices. Jean was an interesting character in La Débâcle so I might try his earlier novel, La Terre. Of course I will probably change my mind a dozen times before April. :)

    1. Haha! It doesn't matter which one you would eventually read, but I believe you wouldn't resist in picking at least one Zola when you wake up on the first of April. Trust me! ;)

      Oh, so La Terre's and La Debacle's character is the same? I have both books in my shelf, but this year I would go with Nana and The Kill first.

  10. As a French major, I am ashamed to say that I've never read anything by Zola. Shame on me! I will definitely join you in this challenge. I think I will follow Wikipedia's recommended reading order for the Rougon-Macquart series. Thanks for hosting!

    1. Thanks for joining! Zola is one of the most leading French authors, I think, not mentioning his role in naturalism, must start reading him ;)

  11. I hope to be able to read at least The Dram Shop

    1. It's one of my favorites from Zola, hope you can make it, then.. :)

  12. Tahun ini ikut lagi mbak Fanda, tahun lalu sudah baca germinal dan Nana. Tahun ini mau mulai lagi :)

  13. I'm in, actually Germinal is already in my reading list for April. I hope would be able to finish it and write the review, but this is my first time reading Zola, so i think i might need little help in case I get lost in the middle of the book :D

    1. Glad you're in! Once you begin, you'll enjoy it, and won't need any help... ;)

  14. Hi Fanda,

    I'm currenty reading Nana!! It's really amazing! I don't know If I'll be able to read Germinal too.
    In my reading list of the year, I included "L'assommoir", "The Lady's Paradise", "The Fortunes of the Rougons', The Kill, and The Belly of Paris'. I enjoy Nana so much!!!

  15. Hai, saya mau ikut event ini.. tapi sepertinya udah telat, ya? mungkin bisa mulai ikut bulan depan aja. :)
    o, ya. resensinya harus pake bahasa inggriskah?

    1. Hai Tika, terakhir tgl. 30 April, tapi nanti bisa submit review s/d tgl. 10 Mei. Kalau kamu bisa nyusul dlm waktu, silakan aja. Event ini hanya diadakan sekali tiap tahun, tiap bulan April. SIlakan ikut lagi tahun depan ya! Review-nya boleh dlm bhs Indonesia kok.


What do you think?