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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Reading England 2015 Challenge

One more challenge that I would cross-list with my own Literary Movement Reading Challenge.

The Goal: To travel England by reading, and read at least one book per however many counties of England you decide to read.

I won’t read too many English classics next year, so I would just take the moderate level two: 4-6 counties. I picked four books from my challenge which happen to be set in England:

Ivanhoe (Sir Walter Scott) – Leicestershire
Bleak House (Charles Dickens) - London
Far From A Madding Crowd (Thomas Hardy) - Dorset
Howards End (E.M. Forster) - Shropshire

If you are interested in participating, please visit Behold the Stars’ announcement post.


  1. Very happy you're joining - and there are some excellent titles! :)

    I need to re-read Ivanhoe one of these days - I might steal that idea for Leicester!

    1. Thanks to you for coming up with this interesting idea of a challenge! ;)

  2. This challenge sounds really great! I love both Ivanhoe and Bleak House; I hope you enjoy your reading of them. :)

    1. Actually the word "bleak" has kept me dreading this book, but I've heard many praises towards it so far, so hopefully I'd love it. Will you participate too in this challenge, Saari?

  3. Ooo, fun, Fanda! I am planning to read the first two from your list in 2015. I hope I can get through them. I have a number of chunksters piling up!

    I still have been actively avoiding Hardy and I MUST stop it. Even if he's dreadfully depressing, his books do have value. Now I just need someone to hold a gun to my head and make me read him! ;-)

    So glad you're joining the challenge and we can forge ahead together!

    1. The more the merrier! It's always fun to do a challenge with a friend. Let's hope we can complete this together, then, Cleo. :)

  4. What a fun challenge. I am a huge fan of traveling and adventure, and often find books to be my best method of transportation when finances dwindle. Have fun exploring literary England!


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