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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Zoladdiction 2015 - Announcement

Haloa Zoladdicts! I’m pleased to announce that…the annual event of Zoladdiction is back! I am happy to host this event again for the third time. If you missed it last years, Zoladdiction is an event of reading books from the French Naturalist: Émile Zola, to celebrate his birth-month on April. From our (some of his hardcore readers..) experiences, reading Zola has a kind of addiction effect. After reading one of his books, you would feel exhausted; like your emotion has been overturned. You would say, it’s enough, no more Zola! But after the shock has gone, you’d quietly find yourself craving for another Zola. So, to facilitate the Zoladdicts, I am going to host….

How to join?

  • You must have a blog or Goodreads account to post your reviews.
  • Register yourself in the comment box below. Let us know what book you’ll read for this event (not obligatory, I’m just curious…).
  • Help me spreading the Zoladdiction virus, either by putting the Zoladdiction button on your sidebar, or by discussing the event on Twitter using hashtag #Zoladdiction2015.
  • Start reading Zola’s works or works about Zola when your calendar turns to April 1:)
  • In addition to reading the books, you are also welcomed to post anything concerning Zola during this event.
  • The master post would be up on April 1st with a linky where you can put all your posts.
  • There’s no level or deadline, you can satisfy (or start, if you’re a new fan of Zola) your Zoladdiction by reading as many books as you like the whole month!
  • I encourage you to post a brief wrap up in the end of Zoladdiction (the linky will be closed only in May 10th), and let us know how you feel/think after delving into Zola works for a month. I’m just curious how you all manage with Zola….

But that’s not all! This year there’s another excitement in Zoladdiction!

“Germinal” Read Along

To spice up this event, I’m going to host a read along of my most favorite novel of all time: GERMINAL during the Zoladdiction. For me personally, this will be my second reread. But be it your first read or reread (and Germinal is one of those books that deserve many rereads!), you are more than welcomed to join me.

It’s so easy….
  • Just confirm your participation in the comment box below.
  • Would appreciate if you’d spread the words about this, either in post or just by putting the banner on your sidebar (so that others might join it too!)
  • Start reading Germinal on 1st April (or any date you like).
  • Germinal is the kind of book that, when you have plunged yourself into it, you would be drawn throughout the story, and could only kick it out once you finish it. So, it will be useless to create discussion or things like that between chapters. In the end, it’s just about how hard it has ‘blown your head’…. LOL! Just joking… (but you shall see after you finish it the first time :P). But if you’d like to express your thoughts or just to check others’ progress, we can discuss it on Twitter using hashtag #GerminalRA. Don’t forget to mention @Fanda_A.
  • We would post our reviews at the same day of April 30th, 2015. I would provide a linky for you to submit it below the master post (will be published on April 10th).

So, how Zoladdicted are you? Are you ready to join and proof it? ;)


  1. I'm in! Hahaa..
    The Flood kali ya yg tipis, kalo sempat pingin ikut reread Germinal juga deh, penasaran sama edisi terjemahan Indonesianya.

  2. Of course! Of course of course :) I'll join Germinal, and I think I'll also read Zola: A Life by Frederick Brown. And if there's time Claude's Confession. And perhaps one or two others. Very excited, glad you're hosting again! :D

    1. Thanks for joining!
      Ah Claude's Confession...I've been meaning to buy that one, but everytime I was tempted by another one...

  3. Hi Fanda,

    For sure I'm in :)

    I would highly recommend "Claud's Confession" to you. "Germinal" is a masterpiece, I loved it so much; however, I'll read "The Debacle" (encouraged by your review last year). I don't think I'd be able to read more than one book of Zola's, since I'm participating in your "Literary Movement" Challenge. I have "Pot Bouille" and "Ladies Paradise", but.....


    1. Yes, I'm interested in Claude's Confession because of you :)
      You're such an avid reader, but.... (I agree with this, LOL).
      The Debacle is one of my Zola faves, hope you'll enjoy it.

  4. Count me in mba fanda :)
    Glad to have a partner to read this book

    1. Yayy! You'd love it Esi, and I think you won't need encouragement to read it once you've started. But...still, it's nice to read along with other, eh? ;)

  5. Hi, Fanda! I will be reading The Fortune of the Rougons, and I cannot wait!!!

    1. Hi Ruth! I thought you wanted to reread Germinal too? But it's your choice...
      I will also read Fortune, but for #LitMoveRC Naturalism.

    2. I seriously thought about it, but I am anxious to read through this series, and cannot put too much on my plate. So after I read The Fortune next month, I will read The Kill in August for my LitMoveRC. I have to get at lest two Zola's in a year!

    3. Haha...I am torn too between reading through the series or rereading Germinal. But my craving is too much, I think, also, I have let myself reading anything I'd want next year, so... ;)

  6. I'm in.

    I've been trying to read Germinal on my epad for over a year and it's not working. I finally got a paper copy this week, so the timing of this post is impeccable :-)

  7. Oh no, I'm already hosting an Anthony Trollope month in honor of his birthday, April 24! I don't know if I can squeeze in a Zola but I'll try. Maybe The Fortunes of the Rougons, I'd like to go back and read the earliest in the series since there's a recent translation, finally.

    1. I'll be happy if you can still join in, Karen. Yes, I plan to read Fortunes too this year (but not during Zoladdiction).

  8. I am joining you Fanda though I am late.

  9. I will be reading Lourdes and possibly Germinal.

    1. Germinal is my all time favorite.
      Thanks for joining, Emily, hope you'll enjoy Zoladdiction!

  10. I read "The Kill" and the short story "Captain Burle". I wanted to read more, the the Literary Movements Challenges is taking much of my time :D


What do you think?