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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Zoladdiction 2015 & “Germinal” Read Along

It’s the 1st of April, and—it’s not April fool!—The Zoladdiction 2015 is up today!

See the announcement to find all about this event. In short, I am hosting Zoladdiction every April to praise and spread the knowledge (and addiction) of Émile Zola’s works. To join us, you can simply sign up this event, read as much as Zola’s works (or books about Zola) as possible, post your thoughts, and share them in the linky (opened in April 10th). If you feel itchy to do some shopping (of Zola books of course :D), you are more than welcomed to let us know, or to show off your new Zola books. So, let’s read, let’s post, let’s shop, or let’s watch movies adaptation, all because we are in Zoladdiction! :)

  • I encourage you to post a brief wrap up in the end of Zoladdiction (the linky will be closed in May 10th), and let us know how do you feel/think after delving into Zola works for a month. I’m just curious how you all manage with Zola….
  • The linky for reviews and wrap up post will be up below this post, in April 10th.

In this year’s event, I would also host:


  • You can read it during April, on your own pace.
  • Please post your reviews at the same day of April 30th, 2015, on the linky (will be provided) below.

LINKY FOR REVIEWS: (other than "Germinal")



  1. Argh! This has snuck up on me. I wanted to read Money as it's my next Zola. Thanks again for hosting, Fanda. This event is one of the highlights of the year!

    1. Ha! And I've been wondering why haven't you shown up to my announcement. But anyway, I'm glad you're participating again, Cleo!

  2. Hi Fanda, I'm in for sure, but I'm going to read "The Kill" (instead of the Debacle), and I have just finished reading Zola's short story "Captain Burle". Since I'm participating in the Literary Movement Challenge, I have lots of Romantic books to read, hence, I will not be able to read more Zola's, including 'The Debacle".

    1. The Kill is obviously shorter (and lighter) than The Debacle, haha! I didn't quite like it, but it's Zola nevertheless. So, I hope you'll enjoy it.

  3. Germinal is not exactly a holiday read, so I probably won't get stuck into until next week, but I'm in & I'm excited :-)

    1. me Germinal is a perfect reading for holiday.
      I;m also excited! ^_^

  4. Selesai! Akhirnya belum sempat baca terjemahannya Germinal. Masih perlu bikin wrap up post ga? Intinya sama seperti tahun lalu (haha..), cuma ternyata semakin ke sini menemukan berbagai 'gaya' Zola yg beda.


What do you think?