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Monday, March 6, 2017

I am Doing it Again: #Zoladdiction2017 on April

If you haven’t been familiar with #Zoladdiction, it’s an addiction to any book by my favorite author: Émile Zola. It’s actually an event—one perhaps call it “challenge”, but if any Zola-ish thing could have been a challenge, NOT reading Zola is the real challenge to me, LOL! Anyway, for three consecutive years: 2013 to 2015, I have hosted #Zoladdiction during April. For me April is always the best month to read Zola. Firstly because April 2nd is Zola’s birth date; secondly because April always reminds me of Germinal—my all time favorite novel from Zola—thanks to this beautiful quote:

Now the April sun, in the open sky, was shining in its glory, warming the earth as it went into labour. From its fertile flanks life was leaping forth, buds were bursting into green leaves, and the fields were quivering with the growth of the grass. On every side seeds were swelling, stretching out, cracking the plain, filled by the need of heat and light. An overflow of sap flowed with whispering voices, the sound of the germs expanded in a great kiss. Again and again, more and more distinctly, as though they had come right up to the soil, the comrades were hammering. In the fiery rays of the sun, on this youthful morning, the country was pregnant with this rumbling. Men were springing forth, a black avenging army, germinating slowly in the furrows, growing up for the harvests of the next century, and their germination would soon overturn the earth.

Last year I have to skip #Zoladdiction because of my tight schedule. But I turned out to be reading few Zolas during April anyway, so I have decided to do another #Zoladdcition2017 this year. Busy or not, I can’t spend a year without reading any Zola, because of…yeah… the #Zoladdiction… ^_^

I would be very excited if any of you would join me next month. There will be no obligations at all, no rule, no linky, no date, no reviews required, etc. because the fun of #Zoladdiction is really in the bliss of reading Zola.

If you want to chat or discuss about #Zoladdiction2017, just drop by here, or mention me on twitter or instagram or goodreads, using the hashtag. I will be reading Claude’s Confession and The Earth, but you are free, of course, to pick any book you like.

Will you join me? :)


  1. You bet I will!!


    Now I really hope that my cc spin book is a Zola.

    1. Great, Brona!

      But I believe you will read Zola eventually, with or without CC Spin ;)

  2. I'm in! (which won't surprise you!). Going to read the Four (three, really) Gospels - Labour, Fruitfulness, and Truth (or at least two of them anyway!). So happy you're hosting it again this year :)

  3. Hi Fanda! That's GREAT! I enjoy Zoladdiction so much! I'm in for sure!!

    1. Thanks Maan! Just curious, what will you read this time?

  4. I really need to finish The Belly of Paris. We'll see how I'm doing in April. I have only half the book to go, so I shouldn't complain.

    1. Ah... so you are still stuck in it? Just skip the long definition of those veggies or cheeses if it disgusting you. The story itself is not that bad. I hope you'll have fun in Zoladdiction2017 anyway :)

  5. Hope to be able to join you even if my classics club spin doesnt land on that number.....

  6. Perfect time to read my TBR on Germinal (^_^), please remind me again so my moody 'friend' did not appear at least for a whole month hahahaha.
    Coba aku ajakin mbak Essy juga, dia juga punya Germinal yang belum kebaca.

    1. Great, Maria! I am curious of what you would think about my all time favorite book! Sure, I'll post reminders from time to time near April.
      Yes! Bring Esi too! The more the merrier... ;)

    2. Just finished Germinal and Oh my God..who is this man? It wasn't my first Zola, I've read therese raquin, but this is different. If he wasn't one of the miner, then he did such a great research to make me feel like I was being told by somebody who lived this kind of life as a miner. I'm impressed. Will write full review soon.

    3. Zola is a great researcher, indeed. That and his ability to "paint" the reality into so intense a story!

  7. Thanks so much for introducing me to M. Zola. I read the first page of Germinal, and I was hooked. I am actually making myself take it slowly, so that I can savor every sentence.

    1. Well, I have never succeed in taking Zola's slowly. That was always my intention, but then I just couldn't help devouring his pages greedily until the last one! Maybe in second... or third reading.


What do you think?