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Sunday, April 1, 2018

Zoladdiction 2018 Master Post

It’s April 1st, and instead of April Mop, I bring you… #Zoladdiction2018! *trumpet sound*

Thanks to those who have signed up through the sign up post or by social media. For you who haven’t but want to join, please do right away. 
  • It’s very simple; just read the rules, and get to the play!
  • Linky to put your post URLs is up below (Main Posts linky)!
  • Don’t forget to also share your posts on social media (Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram) using hashtag: #Zoladdiction2018 and #EmileZola.

#ZolaStyle - Mini Themed Challenge
  • Starting this year Zoladdiction will come with a mini themed challenge. For 2018, it’s called #ZolaStyle – exploring Zola’s unique literary style. There are three categories.
  • You can play along all the categories or just pick any one(s) you like.
  • It does not have to be book you are reading. You can include any passage from any Zola’s books.
  • Just post them during the month, and link them up on the #ZolaStyle linky (will be up on April 2nd).

The categories:

Literal Painting
Zola had great interest in paintings. He had been a strong promoter of Impressionism; supported and befriended young artists such as Manet and Cézanne. His literary style often had quality of a painting. Quote and share those literal paintings you find from the book you are reading, or any book you have read; add paintings or pictures too if you like. You can check this post to get more idea about this literal painting.

Naturalism Metaphor
Zola often uses natural things as metaphor. In The Belly of Paris, for instance, cheeses are described as fruits. In Germinal, the mining machine becomes a giant beast; and a steam locomotive transforms into a woman in La Bete Humaine. Quote and post about this naturalism you find from the book you are reading, or any book you have read. Click this link if you need an example.

Heredity Problem
As a Naturalist, Zola believed that human psychology is heavily influenced by heredity and environment. He wrote the twenty novels in The Rougon Macquart series to study this. Analyze, discuss, and post about the heredity problem of book you are reading, or any book you have read.

It’s not obligatory, but if you own Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook accounts, sharing your #ZolaStyle posts means you are helping in spreading acknowledgement to Zola’s works. Please make sure to use these hashtags: #ZolaStyle #EmileZola #Zoladdiction2018 on your posts.

And THE BEST PART IS… each #ZolaStyle post linked up at #ZolaStyle linky will be entered to win book(s) by Emile Zola of your choice max $20 from Book Depository. LET’S DO IT, and have FUN!

1 comment:

  1. Just finished "The Debacle" and "The Soil" (The Earth) and posted my review in my bookstagram page @maankawas .. Two great works!!!!


What do you think?