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Thursday, April 18, 2019

The Classics Club Spin #20

Alright, I’m not supposed to squeeze any book into my tight schedule at present. Yet, who can ever resist The Classics Club Spin, although I have said earlier that I’d skip this round? Following Brona’s example of picking only “slim volumes” from her list, I tried to do the same. So here’s my list, consisting of books under or equal to 300s pages.

  1. The Red Badge of Courage (Stephen Crane)
  2. Othello (William Shakespeare)
  3. Things Fall Apart (Chinua Achebe)
  4. Their Eyes Were Watching God (Zora Neele Hurston)
  5. The Warden (Anthony Trollope)
  6. The Crucible (Arthur Miller)
  7. All the Pretty Horses (Cormack McCarthy)
  8. The Glass Menagerie (Tennessee Williams)
  9. Persuasion (Jane Austen)
  10. Hard Times (Charles Dickens)
  11. The Man Who Was Thursday (G.K. Chesterton)
  12. This Side of Paradise (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
  13. Agnes Grey (Anne Brรถnte)
  14. We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Shirley Jackson)
  15. Silas Marner (George Eliot)
  16. Murder in the Cathedral (T.S. Eliot)
  17. My Antonia (Willa Cather)
  18. Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)
  19. The Cannery Row (John Steinbeck)
  20. Under The Net (Iris Murdoch)

Not all of the books are on my shelf at the present, I might have to buy the e-book from Playbooks if my copy has not arrived in time; but that’s OK. My bigger concern is whether I can make it by 31st May, as I’d be reading Gaskell too next month…. Anyway, it’s just for fun, isn’t? And for that, I’m in!


  1. The Warden was such a lovely, meaningful read. And The Man Who Was Thursday was a crazy romp from Chesterton. You have a substantial list here with lots of great reads. Have a wonderful spin, Fanda! :-)

    1. Thank you, Cleo! I'm very looking forward to get to The Warden - it'll be my first Trollope (besides his Christmas short stories).

  2. Some REALLY good ones on that list! #6, #11, and #12 were page-turners for me. Hope you get something you like. :)

    1. At first I couldn't decide between This Side of Paradise and Beautiful and Damned, but fortunately I have chosen the right one! :)

  3. Some of my favorite authors on your list! I love Persuasion and My Antonia, Cannery Row is also wonderful (and very funny). Also love Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Warden! Enjoy your spin pick!

    1. I didn't realise that Cannery Row can be "very funny". ๐Ÿ˜„
      Thank you Karen! I'll definitely have fun, whichever number picked!

  4. Their Eyes Were Watching God is on my list as well (which will be up tomorrow). I can empathize with fitting books from your Classics Club into your reading schedule. The spin months are about the only time I make any progress with my list!

    1. ...and it helps encouraging us to pick difficult ones from the list, otherwise we might never come to it ๐Ÿ˜…

  5. Lots of great stuff here! I too love the Warden, it's a great first Trollope. Gosh, just about everything on here is wonderful. No matter what number comes up, you've got something good!

    1. I know! That's why I didn't pick any favorite number, I'd love to read whichever the spin picks! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. I'm reading Red Badge of Courage right now. It do like it. Also reading Othello right now, too. Really like this one.

    Their Eyes Were Watching God is one of my favorites. It's beautiful. Persuasion is another favorite of mine.

    Loved the Crucible and My Antonia!

    Good luck!

    1. I did heard a lot of praises to Red Badge. Glad you like it too.

  7. Exactly, it's just for fun Fanda!
    A chance to air your list, remind yourself what you'd like to read one day and have a bookish chat with your fellow bloggers :-)

    Persuasion is my favourite Austen, so I'd be happy to see you get that, but the Their Eyes Were Watching God was wonderful. As was My Antonia. Under the Net was fascinating and if you get that one - you could also check out Liz Dexter's blog and her Iris Murdoch BIG readalong for all the other blogger reviews and commentaries.

    Happy slim spinning!

    1. Thanks Brona. I picked Under the Net after reading your review! So I guess I hope to get no. 20 this time.

  8. I've been thinking about adding Murder in the Cathedral to my next CC list. Love, love, love Cannery Row.

    1. I wouldn't mind another John Steinbeck to love after East of Eden! ๐Ÿ˜˜

  9. yes it's meant to be fun. We do forget that from time to time don't we.....

    1. Agree. Sometimes the competitiveness adds fun to our reading life,but on top of that, FUN should be our main focus!

  10. The Man Who was very profound. More profound than I'm sure I comprehend. I've read it twice, and I'll reread it again. Enjoy whatever you get. Glad you've joined in.

    1. You made me more curious, Joseph. Thanks!๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ

  11. You have a nice list, but I have to say that my favorite, of the ones I've read so far, is Persuasion. Also, The Crucible is a very powerful, short read. I hope you love whatever you get!

    1. Yes, this time I'd certainly enjoy whichever the spin will pick! ๐Ÿ˜Ž


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