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Monday, April 1, 2019

Zoladdiction 2019 Master Post

We are here at last! Zoladdiction . BEGINS . today.

Grab your book, read, and experience nature and life, which are always celebrated in Zola’s books.

The linky will appear below this post, started on the 15th, where you can add your reviews or other Zola posts. Do not forget to share them on Twitter or Instagram too with hashtag #Zoladdiction2019! I will retweet/repost them on my accounts.

Everytime you catch interesting snippets (you’ll find many from Zola’s!), do not forget to capture them and share on Twitter or Instagram! Use these prompts to help you:

For further explanation on the prompts, you can check my pinned tweet (just click “show the thread”), or my “Zoladdiction” highlight stories on my IG.

As Zoladdiction originally started as celebration of Zola’s birthday, let us make effort on April 2nd (or before, if you need to prepare something!) and spreading a lot of attention to Zola, by sharing our personal “Zoladdiction” on blog, Twitter or IG. It can be just a photo of your Zola collections, or sharing how you have first found Zola, or maybe you’d like to post a personal challenge to read all his books? – anything to show our love/appreciation to Zola. He really deserved that!

And now, let’s have fun!


  1. Just posted my first piece

  2. You know how much I love this month & I'm happily reading The Belly of Paris (what a delight of still life images of fruit & veg so far!) but my blogging life and most other forms of social media are on the back burner right now. I'm having trouble keeping up/keeping track, so will just add things as I can.

    Thanks for putting this together again Fanda - it's one of my favourite reading times of the year (the 24 hr readathon this weekend should help me get a good run on the book too:-)

    1. It's not been very idle for me too, Brona. Don't get pressured, just have fun! The main purpose is to read and enjoy Zola. Only sometimes he provokes us to get artsy :)

  3. Is this where we put links to posts? if so, I will add my latest post which is a review of The Kill .

    1. Sorry, the linky is not up yet until 15th. I will put your link in it when it's up!

  4. Finished The Fortunes of the Rougons! And I still want to watch The Life of Emile Zola which won the Oscar for Best Picture back in 1937. I might also watch the French film La Bete Humaine which is supposed to be excellent.

    1. Great, Karen! I have to admit, I've never watched Zola's movies.. :(


What do you think?