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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Classics Club Spin # 23

It's Classics Club Spin time again!

I have only eight titles left on my 2nd Classics Club List, so I must double (and triple) the titles to make a list of twenty. Here it comes:

01. Dubliners
02. Song of the Lark
03. The Man Who Was Thursday
04. The Deerslayer
05. The Moonstone
06. The Red Badge of Courage
07. The Vicar of Wakefield
08. Othello
09. Dubliners
10. Song of the Lark
11. The Man Who Was Thursday
12. The Deerslayer
13. The Moonstone
14. The Red Badge of Courage
15. The Vicar of Wakefield
16. Othello
17. Dubliners
18. Song of the Lark
19. The Man Who Was Thursday
20. The Deerslayer

I have planned to read Song of the Lark next month, so... I'm crossing my finger for no. 2, 10, and 18 right now, but, is there any other title which you think I should be excited about?


  1. I love The Moonstone, but I also remember The Song of the Lark as very good. It looks like a very fun list!

    1. I'd like to save The Moonstone for RIP in September/October, if possible, LOL. But I'd read any book by the spinned number, anyway :)

  2. I've just read Willa Cather's short story collection Youth and the Bright Medusa, so I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed you get your wish for The Song of the Lark.If you did, I'd be reading The Left Hand of Darkness, Villette or Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day and I have a hankering for it to be the latter.

    1. Haha... let's hope that your prediction is accurate, Cathy, so everybody's gonna be happy ;)

  3. I've read The Man Who was Thursday twice now, and I'm sort of in awe of it. I will read it again I'm certain, and perhaps understand a bit more, and still not have truly plumbed its depths. Nice list...enjoy!

    1. Interesting! Actually I keep it for next RIP, but if no. 3 got spinned, I know I'll be excited now. Thanks, Joseph! :)

  4. I also enjoyed The Moonstone (Wilkie Collins wrote lots of books if you need another for RIP!) I also remember really enjoying Othello, but that was many years ago and I might have a different reaction to it now.

    And only 8 titles left! Well done! I still have four unfinished from my first CC list, and I'm about halfway through the second.

    1. Yes, of course, I've been looking forward to The Moonstone as well. I have listed several more from Collins on my next list. I've ended this 2nd list quite abruptly because I'll be doing a different approach to my CC challenge starting next year. I'll post about this at the end of this year. Right now I'm still building on the list. :)

  5. The Moonstone was fabulous, but also Othello, The Vicar of Wakefield and The Man Who Was Thursday stand out for me. I would be so curious to hear what you think of The Man Who Was Thursday as it was so bizarre. Yet you can't go wrong with Cather. Best of luck on the spin!

    1. I've heard some comments about The Man Who Was Thursday as bizarre, and was intrigued to read it. Thanks for reminding me again.

      I'd perhaps read Cather anyway, paired with the spinned book (if it's not Song of the Lark)

  6. Oh, if I didn't already know that #6 was spun, I would have been rooting for The Moonstone - I just love Wilkie Collins. I've never read The Red Badge of Courage, but feel like I really should. Enjoy!


What do you think?