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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Zoladdiction 2020 Master Post

Welcome, April! Hi guys, how u doing today? Still healthy but bored already from self-quarrantine/self-isolaton/social distancing or whatever limitation you are having at present? Prepare to cheer up, guys, because TODAY.....

Zoladdiction 2020 begins!

(More info and sign up here)

Since my internet connection is rather bad at home, I decided to not using linky for submitting posts. Instead, you can share them by (pick one or all):

1. Leaving URL to your posts on the comment section below.
2. Tweeting with hashtag: #Zoladdiction2020
3. Posting on Instagram with hashtag: #Zoladdiction2020.

As I am using Twitter as my main platform, I will do my best to retweet all of your posts, so that we can see, read, and comment each others posts. I will still occasionally post on and check my Instagram too.

To add the fun, I have prepared two Zoladdiction Games during April, but only on Twitter. The first one will be on Zola's birthday tomorrow. Be sure you check on Twitter - let's celebrate Zola's birthday by making it as jolly as we can (I will open this game to non participant as well), while spreading the love of Zola (NOT the covid-19) to the world.

Happy reading (and playing), and have fun! :)


  1. Always very excited to see this post every year Fanda, but especially so this year! I'm looking forward to our Zola birthday treat tomorrow.

    1. Hi Brona, thanks for joining again. Unfortunately Zoladdiction must take place in these gloomy days. Still, have fun with your Zola readings :)

  2. I finished The Sin of Abbe Mouret, #5 in the Rougon-Macquart series. Not my favorite Zola but worth reading. Here's a link to my review:

    Thanks again for hosting!


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