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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Positive Things 2020 Has Brought Me So Far

I see almost everyday in twitter how people hate 2020; how they wish it to be over, or even cancelled. At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, I felt the same thing. It had promised great many things, but it was all smashed down by the virus. Everything was restricted, every plan was cancelled. I was terrified and tired all the time. But after about three or four months, I began to get used to it. New habits formed, and life began to make sense again - for me, at least.

And now, six month after the first Covod-16 case was confirmed in Indonesia (and you know how bad our government handle it), I begin to notice things I haven't realized before. It is my belief that there's always positive thing(s) that emerge from every ordeal. The current Covid-19 pandemic is no exception.

Hygiene and healthy habits

Before Covid-19 (when did you realize that your world would always be divided between before and after Covid-16?) - well before Covid-19, I said, I thought I'm a quite hygiene person. Apparently not. I have used to change clothes after coming home from work (I take online public transportation), but then just laid down and relaxing on my bed without taking shower first! I realized now how wrong that was.

Another thing, how often do you wash your hands during the day? I used to arrive at office in the morning without washing hands, and just sat down and work. Since I love snacking, I'd touch my cookies or fruits every now and then with my apparently dirty hands! I only washed hands before lunch (crazy, isn't it?). Since Covid-19 I have felt much healthier than ever. My allergy kept coming back, but it didn't turn to more severe illness like I used to have before.

What matters most

For the last six months I stay at home, except for work and grocery shopping. The church was closed, and we were forced to celebrate mass from home, through live streaming. I was devastated at first, but then I realized how online services could effectively eliminate distractions of regular mass, such as: too friendly parishioners who love to talk to you when you actually want to pray alone (we go to mass to pray to God, anyway, not to meet neighbors, right?) Some people even talk to me when I was praying! Then there's the fashionable people (sight distraction), or too loud a choir, or even the market stall outside the church who was roasting satay when the mass is still on, letting us to feel hungry by the smell!

I realized now how many distractions could occur in just one hour of mass, when we should have focused solely to God. No wonder I always felt so exhausted, bodily, after mass, but felt nothing in my soul. And these distractions are now completely eliminated by online mass. Nowadays I can attend the mass peacefully, wholly involved in the prayer and worship, feeling refreshed after each mass, and realize what matters most: my relationship with God.

Reading and blogging

You might have perhaps noticed how productive I have been, blogging-wise, since April. It's because suddenly I found time to do it. Staying at home, no visits to mall, no hangout with friends, no church events (which in the end don't really help my soul) - I thought I would be bored after a few months. But no, I spent hours every weekend for blog posts writing (usually two posts) and reading. And you know what, I've never felt satisfied and happier since long time ago. Hanging out with friends is fun, but at the end of the day, it's more exhausting than fulfilling. Not mentioning the quality time I can spend for... doing nothing!

I know that not everyone enjoys the same condition, many of you are probably struggling with either health or financial issue. The pandemic sucks, but please don't think about annihilating 2020. You'd never know what'd happen next. Being alive right now, and doing your best to keep your loved ones healthy and happy, isn't it nice and gratifying? And don't forget, Chrismast is only three months away (and I miss it very much!) Pandemic or not, you can always celebrate Christmas, if not with friends, artleast celebrate it with your self. Remember, there's always hope and positive things in every ordeal!


  1. Beautiful thoughts, Fanda! I know shutdown has brought me a mixture of good and bad; this is such a good reminder to focus on the good. And I'm looking forward to Christmas very much!

    1. Thank you, Marian! Yes, since the bad only brings anxiety and depression, why not focusing on the good? That'd make us feeling better. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Fanda! It seems like it's so much easier to find negative takes on life, generally speaking (even pre-COVID), and as difficult as this year has been, I really appreciate it whenever anyone can find the positive. I've been appreciating online church services as well--and it's turned out to be a really good thing for some of the older members of our church who couldn't attend anymore because of age-related physical limitations. It's also been nice to have more time since I've not been spending so much of it traveling to the office (we're still working from home at my job), and finding ways to meet with and share with people virtually have been really great.

    1. Thanks, Amanda.
      Yes, my mom and dad are very grateful for the online church services. Now we just hope that these services will continue on, even when the pandemic is over.
      In short, I do believe that Covid-19 is changing our world, our way of lives, more to the better, rather than worse.

  3. This is very encouraging. I'm so glad to hear that you are happy & well, too. I know you are right, that we should be able to find things to be grateful for, even in disappointment. I agree, as well, that our relationship w/ God is the most essential.

    1. Thank you, Ruth! Hoping that you are as happy and healthy today. <3
      My relationship with God has never been as good as at the present moment. It takes a pandemic to realize that!

  4. Like you Fanda, I have much to celebrate and be grateful for this year. We have lots more quality family time together, my cupboards are the cleanest they have ever been & I'm reading lots more. As an introvert I’ve found it fairly easy to stay home most nights. But I am still going out for work every day - wearing my face mask, hand sanitising and checking into any cafe I go to for coffee or lunch. So I have some social contact and sense of being out & about, but outside that we have been very quiet.

    I’m so glad you have found the positive in this year. To me that’s a very good sign of resilience.

    1. So glad that you take it as well as I do, Brona!
      Many people say, jokingly perhaps, that only the introverts would survive. But maybe, it's just nature's way to cleanse herself...

  5. I love your positive attitude about 2020 and our year of Covid. Hopefully, January will bring better, healthier days, but there are definitely good things that come out of this situation as you note.

    Take care and enjoy the little things that time and quiet can bring.

    1. Thanks, Jane!
      I'd welcome Christmas first, and then see what the new year would bring.
      I wish also the best for you! <3


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