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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Paris in July 2021: A Blessing in Tough Moments

Paris in July this year isn't just about fun for me, it helped me to stay sane during Covid-19 surge in July. That was perhaps the scariest moments in my life. Some of our acquaintances died from it, and many more were positive, even one of my colleagues. Now it all feels like a dream (it's not over yet, but I am much calmer now). Reading books and watching movies about Paris are my only consolations. It helps me to forget the scary world out there for a moment. And these are what I did for Paris in July:


Time Was Soft There: A Paris Sojourn at Shakespeare & Co. by Jeremy Mercer

A memoir of a runaway journalist who arrived in Paris at the turn of the 20th century, without hope or job, and accidentally found sanctuary at a bookstore in front of Notre Dame: Shakespeare & Co. If you love books, Paris - particularly stories about the American writers and bohemian life style of 1920s Paris - well... this book is absolutely for you!

Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris by Paul Gallico

A light and heart-warming story about a London char woman in the 1950s who pursued her dream to go to Paris and buy herself a Dior dress. Along the way she unconsciously touched so many hearts and changed so many lives! Loved this book so much ❤.

I stopped reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame for a while, because who would read about Gothic cathedral of 15th century when death and tragedy are around you? But now I'm back for the readalong, ready to catch up!


Chef's Table: France (TV Series - 4 episodes)
Loved to see these passionate chefs who cook from what the experience in life. A beautiful documentary in French!

Julie & Julia (rewatch)
There... a movie about food too! A young woman who cooks and blogs through Julia Child's cookbook, and in the end finds her self-esteem.

French Toast
A South African woman who found in a diary and locket of her late mother, and goes to Paris to find her long-lost sibling. Some foods are involved too! :)

He Even Has Your Eyes
A french comedy about a Senegalese couple who adopted a white baby. Moving and funny!

That's all for now. Goodbye Paris in July, see you again next year!


  1. I'm so glad to hear that you are okay.
    Although Sydney has been caught up in its own Covid drama throughout July, and therefore our news has been full of it rather than more world news, I did see that Indonesia was going through another bad phase, and wondered how you were doing.
    Paris in July, and books in general, have got me through too.

    What are your reading and viewing plans for August?

    Stay safe
    Bron xo
    Your books sound charming and delightful and Julie and Julia is one of my favourite movies. Meryl Streep is tremendous as Julia. And Stanley Tucci is wonderful wherever he turns up!

    1. Thanks, Brona! And thanks to Paris in July!!
      I'm still reading Hunchback right now (not enjoying it much, but just want to have done with so I can tick it from my list, LOL). Next? I don't know, at this time I don't make plans, let's see when the time comes to pick the next book. I try to forget all of my reading challenges and plans, and just read for fun. How about you?

      Yes, Mrs. 'Arris series is charming! It's THE perfect comfort book for me, and I think I'll read it often in the future.

  2. I love reading about Paris, but haven't participated in Paris in July in a couple of years. Must remember to sign up next year!

    Time was Soft There is definitely on my tbr list, and I enjoy watching Julie and Julia every few years.

  3. Mrs 'Arris sounds just the thing for days when life is not at its most rosy.
    Sorry to hear about all the heartache you've been going through with Covid. It's one thing to hear about the statistics, quite another thing to have it come so close to your friends and family.


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