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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Zoladdiction 2022: Announcement | #Zoladdiction2022


Zoladdiction will be back next month! This would be the 9th Zoladdiction I've hosted in this blog. For you who are not familiar with it, Zoladdiction is a reading event on April, to celebrate the birthday of Émile Zola. It is mainly because we love Zola's writings, and also to get more and more people to appreciate his works. For the whole month we will read, post, and talk about Zola - his life, his works, and his influence.

What's in Zoladdiction 2022?

  • I encourage you to go beyond reading.
  • Yes, we will still read Zola, but during April we can also share/post/tweet/talk about just any thing that is related to Zola. A book you're reading reminds you of Zola? Share it! Found Zola's quote/picture on Pinterest? Share it! Watched movie about Zola? Share it! Anything.
  • If you chose to read quietly, it's OK. You can pick one of Zola's works, or Zola's biography, or any books about Zola by other writers.
  • Don’t have time to read one book? Fine, a short story or essay is equally good.
  • To participate, simply leave comment, or mention me on Twitter, using hashtag #Zoladdiction2022, and tell me your plan for Zoladdiction (it might inspire others).
  • If you blog about your participation, leave the link in comment box.

So, are you in? What's your plan?

Mine is to re-read L’Assommoir and The Attack on the Mill (Zola’s short story collection).



  1. Wahoo! I love this chance to read my next Zola with you Fanda.

    I will be reading Son Excellence Eugène Rougon (1876) His Excellency Eugene Rougon, the next book in my chronological read of the M-R series.

    1. That's on my TBR pile also! I own three Zolas that I still haven't read and that one is first chronologically. Maybe I'll read along with you!

    2. Yay! Thank you for joining me, yet again, in Zoladdiction, Brona!
      Can't wait to read your thoughts on Eugene Rougon. It's one of my least favorites from the R-M. :D

  2. I'm definitely in, I only have five left in the series to read. I was thinking about The Joy of Life but if Brona's reading Eugene Rougon maybe I'll read that one too!

    1. Thank you, Karen! I think you'd love to read Joy of Life, but it's a good idea too to read Eugene Rougon when you have company. For me personally, it's not enjoyable, as I don't really care for politics.

      Have fun with whichever Zola you'd come to read! :)

  3. My Zola group is temporarily on a break. We are reading the Rougon Macquart in the order Zola recommended and we are up to l’Assommoir. I will take the opportunity to read that one in your Zola month.

  4. Finally finished Eugene Rougon, and it was . . . not my favorite Zola. Should have stuck with my original choice of The Joy of Life. Oh, well, I guess I've crossed it off my list. Here's a link to my review:


What do you think?