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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

The Holiday at the Dew Drop Inn (1962) by Eve Garnett #1962Club

πŸ’ Holiday at the Dew Drop Inn is actually the third and last book of the One End Street series by Eve Garnett. I found it accidentally while searching for books to read for the #1962Club. It contains some references of the adventures in the first two books, but it doesn't hinder us to enjoy this book as a standalone.

πŸ’ The story is about Kate Ruggles, the second of seven children of Mr and Mrs. Ruggles. The Ruggleses is a working class family who live in No. 1 One End Street in Kent. Mrs. Ruggles is a washerwoman, while Mr. Ruggles, a dustman. Despite living in poverty, they are comparatively a happy, kind, and loving family.

πŸ’ The story opens with an invitation for Kate to spend another summer holiday at the Dew Drop Inn, in the fictional country village of Upper Cassington. She had gone there the year before with her twin younger brothers, but now she's going alone. Preparations are made for the journey, including a brand new macintosh and a pair of boots, presents from Mrs. Beasley - a customer of Mrs. Ruggles. Kate never owns a shiny mackintosh before - being poor, her things are usually leftover from her older sister - and she, therefore, is very proud of these presents.

πŸ’ Upper Cassington is a quintessential country village, and it's people are mostly simple and kind. The Dew Drop Inn is owned by Mr and Mrs. Wildgoose, who adores Kate. Kate arrives at the right moment too, only ten days before the Flower Show - an annual competition held for Lower and Upper Cassington, the Concert, and the Fair, begin. She is tasked by Mr. Wildgoose to enter all categories in competition for children, and also to participate in the Concert by reciting something. This naturally alarms Kate very much, but Mr. Wildgoose ensures her that they will work some of the competitions out together, while she can count on her old friend Mr. Shakespeare to help her in the flower growing category.

πŸ’ And so, Kate's days are full of excitement from working, learning, and training. But it's not all hardworking, she's having fun too in learning new things. Few adventures during the preparation also add charm to this visit. But the best part of this holiday are, first, the fair and concert, then, her father and the twin's arrival to spend the holiday with her! Though the end of summer comes too soon, she leaves Dew Drop Inn with a swelling heart - full of happy reminiscences to enlighten the next dreary months to come.

πŸ’ I love everything about this book, the flowers, the baking stuffs, every entry of the competition, and the fair, which cheer everybody up! But most of all, I loved the people - none of them are condescending towards a poor girl like Kate. Not even the handsome Lord Glenheather, he's so sweet and gentlemanly towards Kate - he never treats her like a child. Mr and Mrs. Wildgoose are a kind couple. I loved the way Mr. Wildgoose treated Mr. Ruggles like a pal, despite their different background.

πŸ’ Some readers might think Kate is too good to be true as a character, and perhaps this story seems unrealistic, because there are too much good things, and all. But I still love it. In the world where we are confronted with ugly things every day, this kind of story is a perfect counterbalance to make us feel warm and contented, even for just a few days. Needless to say, I would often revisit this story in future.

Rating: 4,5 / 5

This book counts for:


  1. I'm with you right now Fanda - books about good, kind people are what we need - or poems about birds :-)
    I wonder what we will both find next to soothe our souls?

  2. I love these characters too. I've read only the first book in the series, and was so glad to see people not constantly complaining about their lot in life and unhappy and depressed but rather very content with their lives--a lesson which the modern world needs to learn, I think. So glad you chose this one for the 1962 Club.

    1. Totally agree, Mallika! Life in those days was less complicated, and a wholesome life was pretty achievable.

  3. Oh oh, a new author for me! Thanks

    1. I've found half a dozen interesting new authors/books too during #1962Club!

  4. Lovely choice!! I read these a long time ago, and my BFF at the time was obsessed by them - sometimes you just need a nice story and a nice world to read about...

    1. True! And it is thanks to #1962Club, that I've found this treasure! <3

  5. I think I would really love this one, too! Kate sounds like such a great character.

    1. She is! And intelligent too, I didn't mention much about the adventure, but she's good at 'solving mystery' too. ;)

  6. Oh: "The Dew Drop Inn, do drop in!" isn't it! I loved this one, I think I only have the first one still now, I think I read the other two from the library. Great choice!


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