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Monday, January 22, 2024

The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman: A Short Story #AgathaChristieSS24

🔺️ Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings are in the middle of conversation with their guest, a Dr. Hawker, when the latter's housekeeper tells him about a terrible phone call she's received from a Count Foscatini in Regent's Court, exclaiming that he's been murdered! Naturally, Poirot and Hastings follows the doctor to the count's flat.

🔺️ Jane @ Howling Frog Books has pointed out in her post, the fascinating idea behind the, then, modern flats which provided dinner-service. Indeed, it is a fascinating idea, I didn't know that was a thing back then! The system is providing dinner service for the residents by phone order. The kitchen, located at the top of the building, would then send down one course at a time, via a service lift. A very convenient arrangement for well-to-do bachelor gentlemen, indeed!

🔺️ When the three men arrive at the flat, the count is at the dining room, dead. The weapon, a marble statue, is there, as well as the remaining of dinner for three. The lift boy has told them that the count has entertained two guests that night, while Mr. Graves, Foscatini's manservant, was out. The dinner service would prove an important key in this murder case, as well as the untouched dessert of rice soufflé. At least, it is important for Hercule Poirot. Hastings, as usual, failed to see something amiss, as are perhaps, most of us.

🔺️ Short the story is perhaps, it is entertaining and delightful nonetheless. And another neat deduction process from Monsieur Poirot! Now, a light topic for discussion for #AgathaChristieSS24:

If you could afford it, would you buy/rent a modern flat with dinner service?

I will! I think it's a brilliant idea for working people living in apartments like me. Preparing meals and washing dishes really take time. All I want to do after work is just having a good shower, eating a satisfying dinner, and relaxed a bit until bedtime. I would be more than happy if those meal prep and washing dishes could be get off of me, not mentioning the menu planning and grocery shopping! Also, it's amusing to be served random dishes I don't know beforehand. Meal times would be rather adventurous.

What about you, what do you think?

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