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Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Literary Classics Reading Challenge

I know, I’m a challenge-addicted! I don’t even calculate anymore how many challenges I’ve joined this year. But (here’s my self-defense J) if I can combine several challenges with each other, then why not? I don’t have to read more than what I have planned to, but at the same time I get excited with each challenge.’s my new reading challenge, which I can combine with The Classics Club Project and A Victorian Challenge—which has just begun (and several other challenges of course..): The Literary Classics ReadingChallenge. The task is to read classics throughout the year (1st June 2012 – 31st May 2013), we are free to make our own list and our target in number of books we’d like to read, quite easy, isn’t it? J. So…this is my list. It’s not a fixed list, I might change the schedule or the books, but I make a commitment to read at least 24 classics until May 2013.


Sketches by Boz - Charles Dickens
The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde
Black Beauty – Anna Sewell

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson
Twenty Years After – Alexandre Dumas
The Old Curiosity Shop – Charles Dickens

Resurrection – Leo Tolstoy
The Scarlett Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne

Lord of the Flies – William Golding
The Old Man and The Sea – Ernest Hemingway

Gone With The Wind – Margaret Mitchell
Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe

Notes from Underground – Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Heart of Darkness – Joseph Conrad

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Of Human Bondage – W. Somerset Maugham
Call of the Wild – Jack London

Little Dorrit – Charles Dickens
Little House on the Prairie

The Masterpiece – Emile Zola

The Portrait of A Lady – Henry James
Enchanted Castle – Edith Nesbitt

The Man Who Was Thursday – G.K. Chesterton
David Copperfield – Charles Dickens

Hmmm…I just realized that I have put four Dickens for a year! Well, I just love how he writes and have planned to read all of his works, so why not? Actually I’m an organized person, so I like to schedule my readings for the next months. That way I always have a book to read after I finish ones (and don’t have to sort from my huge pile J). If I want to read other than the list, I would just revise or re-schedule it. This challenge really helps me to set a list for the whole year, thanks to Ali!

What about you? Come and join me in the challenge!


  1. Wow! What a list! I'm not and never good at planning. I just read the books I feel like reading. But good luck with your list. I've never read any of them, so it'd be great to read your opinion about them.

    1. Thanks Listra, hopefully I can achieve the target!

  2. Fanda, Welcome to the Reading Challenge. I'm so glad you are joining us. It's neat that you are a challenge-addict because I'm a newbie but I love reading the classics with friends. It's fun to meet new people and learn from their insights into the stories. I look forward to your updates on our Friday check-in, and remember these can be short or long and if life is crazy one week and you skip, no problem, just jump back in when you can. Also I hope you will join the Facebook group for discussions. Here is a link:

  3. Thanks Ali, I have joined the FB group, and bookmarked the Friday check-ins! I'll do my best to post my updates, especially for June and July, when most of my readings is classics!


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