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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Me and Dickens: Celebrating Dickens Meme and Giveaway

To celebrate Dickens’ 201st birthday on February 7th 2013, I think it would be great if we all create something as a beautiful gift for Dickens. So, here’s the idea…

Post something about ‘you and Dickens’!

Tell us (or Dickens!) how you love his books, how Dickens has been affecting your life, how your relationship has been with him, how you feel about his works, how you want to give Dickens a try (if you haven’t read his book), or how you want to give him another try (if you have once bad experience with Dickens). In short…..just write about how you are getting along with Dickens. I really think that if Dickens was alive, it would mean something for him to know our feelings, and that we’d like to read his books. That would be a beautiful gift we could give to an author, don’t you think? Just create something that would have made Dickens proud and happy

Here are how you should do it…

Post in any way you like: text, images, video or a mix of them, be creative!
Examples: you can write a story about your first encounter with Dickens, you can show off your Dickens collections (books, movies or anything about him). Or if your strength is in poetry, you can write a poem about you and Dickens. Or you would like to write a Victorian style letter to Dickens? It’s okay too—I believe you are much more creative than me.. :)

The post title is free, however it must contain ‘Me’ (‘I’ and ‘My’ are also allowed) and ‘Dickens’ in it—anyway it’s about you and Dickens, right?
Examples: ‘Me & Dickens’ – ‘How Dickens Has Affected My Life’ – ‘Oh, I Just Love Dickens!’—I know, I’m suck at creating titles, LOL! In short, just be creative!

As we create it as a gift for Dickens, it should be presented right on his birthday; so we will publish our post simultaneously on February 7th 2013.

I will open a linky below this post on that date which will be closed on February 8th at 23:59 (GMT +7 or Indonesian time). So, make sure you add your post in the linky before it’s closed, otherwise you can still add your post via comment box.

Oh, have I said that you can post as many as you want? Well, as long as you make sure that they are all published on the same day.

And here is to reward all your efforts to make Celebrating Dickens as merry as possible (and because I will celebrate my own birthday on February).....


  1. I will be giving away 1 (one) classics book from Penguin English Library from The Book Depository.
  2. I will pick 1 (one) winner with the most creative post that I think Dickens will like :)
  3. The winner can choose any book from Penguin English Library collection (as long as TBD can ship to your address).
  4. The winner should reply with their data within 48 hours after my email, otherwise I would choose another winner. Make sure you fill in your email address in the linky for this (it won’t be published).
  5. Only participants who are listed in the Participant List are eligible to enter this giveaway. Sign up is opened until February 5th 2013.

You have more than a month to prepare the post, so…have fun!


  1. dikatakan bukan peminat sastra, aq suka baca novel juga. Tp, krna kebutuhan lain yang banyak, aq sangat jarang beli novel dan karya sastra lain. Dickens? never know it. setelah buka blog ini, br tau.
    terima ksh sudah memperkenalkan ku kak....

  2. whoaa PEL! *langsung cari bahan

  3. It's so you ... all about Dickens, well after this event, everyone will know more about him, including me :D I'm in too.

    1. Yeah...Dickens is a great author, he deserves all our attention, isn't he? I'm glad you're in, can't wait for your post! ^__^

  4. I love this idea. Count me in. :)


What do you think?