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Monday, December 10, 2012

A Classics Challenge December Prompt: Wrap Up

This is the last prompt of 2012 A Classics Challenge hosted by Katherine (November’s Autumn), that act as well as a wrap up post for the whole year, and I am proudly say that I have participated in every prompt since January.

Link to your favorite Classic Literature post you've written this year, it doesn't have to be related to this challenge. Just something you'd enjoy sharing.

Or make a list of what you read for the challenge, you could compare it to your original list drawn up late 2011 when you were planning what to read, link to the posts you've written for the challenge, how many authors you've read or any little stat or detail you'd like to share.

I have posted so many classics literature, that it’s difficult to pick any favorite posts, so I’ll just pick my five favorite classics literature reviews that I mostly wrote in freshly emotional state right after reading the book:

And these are all the prompt from January to November:

Last but not least, I’d like to thank Katherine for hosted such an interesting literary challenge that have brought certain sensation into my classics readings during 2012. I don’t know whether this challenge would be up again next year, but I had much fun this year!

1 comment:

  1. Whew! You're awesome, Fanda, I can't believe it. I did it too, but not as much as yours. (And now I have to find the time to write them all. I'm so busy at the present moment.)


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