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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

History Reading Challenge 2014 – 2nd Check-In

Time flies so really quickly, and here we are already on the eighth month of 2014, two third of our sail to the past with History Reading Challenge 2014. This is our second check in, to check how we have been progressing since our start. Let’s share in the comment below (or if you want to write it in a post, you could link up your post here),

  • How many books have you read so far?
  • Are you on schedule or left behind?
  • What is your most favorite so far?
  • Which history are you looking forward to read?

(You don’t have to answer all the questions; basically tell us what you think about this challenge so far).

And I would like to remind you, that in the end of this challenge there will be two giveaways, one of them for the Analysis posts. If you haven’t submitted your posts, there is still enough time to do so.

As for my own challenge….

How many books have you read so far?
So far I have finished 4 books of the 6 I intended to read:

Are you on schedule or left behind?
I am exactly in the two third of the challenge, so…. I am perfectly on schedule! Yay…

Which history is your most favorite so far?
Cicero's was my favorite; it flowed like a novel, and it gave me a familiar feeling during reading.

Which history are you looking forward to read?
Now I am so looking forward to my last book on the list: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. I am curious of the story, and I always have a soft heart for the unjustly-treated Indians.

What about you?


  1. Here is my update:
    I am familiar with Bury My Heart, but I have not read it. Waiting to see what you think.

    1. That was so quick, Ruth!
      Thanks for actively participating so far.. :)

    2. Thanks for hosting. It has confirmed my love for history, and I need to include more of it next year, too.

  2. Yay! I totally missed the last check-in, sorry about that, but here it is now:

    1. It's OK Jean. I'm glad you keep reading history with us... ;)

  3. My update: still haven't read anything...

    1. Well, you still have four months to read them.. ;)


What do you think?