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Monday, October 20, 2014

Literary Movement Reading Challenge 2015 - Announcement

For next year, 2015, I have a very ambitious plan for reading challenge. Actually, I have had this idea earlier this year, and since then I have been doing some research, collecting titles, and brewing a perfect concept for this challenge. It will be called:

Literary Movement Reading Challenge

The aim is to study how our literary world has been evolving from Medieval era up to the present. There are so many lists/timelines out there, but I particularly use this literary periods timeline from online-literature dot com; firstly, it is simple and nicely presented, and secondly because the number of the movements fits more or less with the challenge purpose. If you see the info-graphic, there are thirteen movements. I will dedicate each month for each movement; but as the Beat Generation period is mostly overlapping the Bloomsbury's, I will merge them into one month.

The challenge concept would be like this:

1.  Reading (or rereading) at least one book each month according to the literary movements we are covering; here is the list:

                                   January        : Medieval
                                   February      : Renaissance
                                   March           : Enlightenment
                                   April             : Romanticism
                                   May              : Transcendentalism
                                   June             : Victorian
                                   July              : Realism
                                   August         : Naturalism
                                   September   : Existentialism
                                   October        : Modernism
                                   November    : The Beat Generation or The Bloomsbury Group
                                   December    : Post-Modernism

2.  To learn about each movement, you can click the link on the above list, it will direct you to pages I have created for each movement. I gathered the information from Wikipedia and/or online-literature, or other sources. If you want to have more details, you can click the sources links as well.

3.  Just as other movements, time period of literary movement might be overlapping one another. And one author could be influenced by more than one movement. For example, I put Dostoyevsky in Existentialism, but he might be regarded also as a Realist.
Q: So, in what month should I put him?
A:  Pick one of them, and read the book, after that you can analyze, in what movement Dostoyevsky shall be put.
Q: What if I have put him in the wrong movement/month, must I move the post to the right one?
A:  No need to do that, this challenge IS to learn about the movements. See point 4 next.

4.  Brief analysis - Inside your review, you are required to add brief (or long if you like) analysis about the book/author you have read, to answer these questions:
a.  Whether he/she fits the literary movement you have categorized him/her? Tell us your reason.
b.  If not, where he/she should be? Tell us your reason.
c.   If he/she doesn’t fit, who do you think would fit better? Again, the reason, please...
d.  [optional] What do you think about this literary movement? How did it correlate with our civilization?
This way we can learn more about the literary movements, from others’ reviews as well as ours.

5.  As the goal is to learn how literary (and the civilization) have been evolving, you are required to read according to the movements in the fixed order.

6.  A linky will be opened on the 15th of each month for each movement post, and will be closed on the 15th of the next month.

7.  The champions will be they who (would be announced after the challenge is closed):
a.  Read at least one book for each movement (at least 12 movements); the more the better.
b.  Submit their reviews according to the movements, in time.

8.  The challenge focus is not how many books we’d read, but whether we could manage to read for all the movements in the right order, in the right time. This need courage and discipline, so we deserve some incentive. How about a book that you have been dreaming on? At the end of the challenge (only if the participants are at least 5 excluding me), I will pick one winner randomly from the champions (see point 7), to win: 1 (one) copy of your dream book of $20 or less from The Book Depository. Yeah, unfortunately, only one winner would get the prize, but if you want, YOU can set your own prize you would reward yourself if you succeeded the challenge!

9.  So, are you sure you really want to do this? I don’t…. But, I am going to do it anyway, as “life—says the wise Forrest Gump—is like a box of chocolate, you’ll never know what you’ll get!” Maybe I would enjoy the challenge very much; or maybe I would be much enlightened after this; well…at least, I would be able to say, that… I have never failed on MY own challenges. How’s that??

10. If you’d like to join, just submit your blog/Goodreads (where you would post your reviews) link in the comment box below. I would update list of participants under this post.

For any feedback/question/discussion, just write in the comment box or mention @Fanda_A at Twitter, using hashtag: #LitMoveRC.

List of participants:

1. Ruth @ A Great Book Study
2. Readathon Junkie
3. KateKat @ Nattering & Nonsense
4. Jean @ Howling Frog Books
5. Saari @ Mangoes and Cherry Blossoms
6. Lois @ You, Me, and a Cup of Tea
7. Plethora @ Plethora of Books
8. o @ Behold the Stars
9. Dana Huff @ Much Madness is Divinest Sense
10. Melissa C @ Must Read Faster
11. Crafts4others @ Crafts4others
12. A @ My Reading Conversion
13. Ann R @ Ann's Classic Book Shelf
14. Keely @ We Walked Outside and Saw the Stars
15. Chinoiseries @ Always Cooking Up Something
16. Susanna @ A Misadventures of A Globetrotter in Training
17. Brewing Up Books
18. GothicVamperstein
19. Alberta @ Alberta Ross Reads
20. Maan K.
21. Miss Mortmain @ Miss Mortmain Writes
22. Jason @ Literature Frenzy

*If you have signed up but your name does not appear in the list, please let me know.*


  1. I was so excited about this, I added myself w/o doing a post! Sorry, Fanda. Is there a way you can remove my first link, and then I'll do it correctly? Thanks!

    1. I'm so glad that you decided to join this, Ruth!
      OK, I will remove your link.

    2. Thanks, Fanda. This is going to be so fun.

  2. Waa... Keren... Saya meditasi dulu ya :D

    1. Boleh...asal ujung-ujungnya ikut tertantang! ;)

    2. Hasil meditasi : kali ini aku ga daftar jadi peserta, tapi (hopefully) bakal memantau progress nya tiap bulan (dengan kemungkinan kalau sempat ikut baca). Jadi ikut belajar aja dari blog ini tanpa beban :)
      Makasih udah bikin challenge ini, mantap!

    3. Sip! Bahwa masih ada keinginan buat memantau dan belajar, itu udah bagus banget. Semoga terinspirasi ya, bzee! ;)

  3. Cool, this should tie in nicely with the classics club. I'm down.

    1. Yep, it works with my Classics Club list too. I;m glad you're in, Jason!

  4. You are very good at coming up with tempting challenges! I will probably have to join this one...

    1. Haha! I do hope you'll decide to join us, Jean! ;)

  5. A great idea! I think I'll be in! :)

    1. Great! It would be interesting to have a peek at others' list for this challenge...

  6. Now this is a challenge! I'm in :)

  7. fabulous idea! I'm tempted to join, but also want to read so many of my books on my TBR...

    1. Hopefully books on your TBR are also eligible for this challenge... ;)

  8. Count me in! I'll write up a post soon. Can't wait! :)

  9. Hi there, Fanda! I love this idea! I saw this a couple of days ago and have been wondering about it. I haven't too much time to read full fledged novels, but I'm hoping, to perhaps, read poetry for this challenge? I figured this would be a great way for me to acquaint myself with a few poets (and in some cases re-acquaint myself). Would that be alright?

    -- Saari

    1. Hi Saari, I'd be glad if you could join us. Poetry and play can be used for this challenge, no problem. :)

    2. That's great! I'm so looking forward to this. :D
      Here's my link -

  10. Hey Fanda, I can't seem to see your Linky. I can see that you and Ruth have signed up but not a place to put mine. So here's my link and I'll check back:

    1. Sorry Jean, there's been a problem with the linky. I decided to use this comment box for sign up. You can see the participants in the list under the post (I'll keep it updated). I have also put your link there.

      Thanks for joining in! :)

  11. An enlightening challenge! I will come up with my list soon.

    1. Thanks Ann. Can't wait to see what you're going to read!

  12. I'm in!

  13. I'm jumping in! Thanks Fanda. Hope I have a more successful time next year. I have managed to not read the history books I wanted for your history challenge this year. I still did read non-fiction history books, just not what I had set-out to read.

    Here is my post.

    1. Good luck for next year, then, Plethora! Thanks for joining.. :)

  14. Help, I'm trying to figure out how to make this work for me. I already have a book group and some read-alongs that have books scheduled, so I don't think I can make the months work with the periods. I could probably make the periods work throughout the year though. But that would mean that I'd only be half-participating. I'm not sure what do to ...... back to the old schedule to try to move some things around .....

    This sounds like such a wonderful challenge ..... it would be a shame to miss it!

    1. Cleo, the idea is to read the periods in consecutive order, to study the movements. If you can work this out, but not within the scheduled month, that would still be fine (for example you skip Jan, but read medieval in Feb, Rennaisance in Mar, and somehow could finish the Post-Modernism in Dec). You would not be eligible to enter the giveaway, but you'll complete the challenge anyway. That's the main point. It's of course up to you, but I would be happy if you'd join in! ;)

  15. As I'm studying English Language and Literature at university, I can't resist this one. :-P

    1. Well...let me know if you decide to join in.. ;)

  16. Replies
    1. Thanks for joining. I've put you on the participant list. Good luck! ;)

  17. I'm in as well! Here is a link to my challenges post:

  18. Hi! I'd love to sign up!

    I'll have my posts on my blog:

    Melissa C

    1. Hi, Melissa! Thanks for joining this challenge. Hope you are excited about this, just as I do...

  19. here is my sign up post,

    1. I'm glad you joined us, and nice to meet you... Good luck for the challenge!

  20. I would love to sign up. I am newly retired and love to read. have no idea about blogging, but always up for a challenge! I will learn as I go if that's okay.

    1. Hi A, welcome to the blogging world! :) It's always nice to have a new book blogger friend. Of course it's OK, that's what we are all doing here, to challenge ourselves to do what we normally reluctant to. Hope you'll enjoy this challenge. Thanks for participating!

  21. My sign up post is

  22. Kalo ikut dan review buku terjemahan dan nulis review dalam bahasa Indonesia boleh gak??

    1. Boleh dong. Tapi ntar kasih keterangan pas submit review di linky, misal: Oliver Twist [IND], jadi tahu kalo itu dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ikut yaa! ^_^

  23. Here is my list, Fanda

    1. That's great Ann, I'll put you in participant list right away.
      Thanks for participating... and good luck! ;)

  24. This was an incredible idea for a challenge, I'm in.

    Here's my sign up post:

  25. am very interested in this challenge and will be writing sign up post fairly soon - I have been checking out books and movements - I had a fancy to read British authors for each movement and catch up on my own islands:) so far so good - however, I fear I will fail in finding a transcendentalism author from here as it appears to be only an American movement so have found one of my father's books which will cover it -looking forward to joining you all:)

    1. Ah...I'm excited to see what you'll have on your list!
      Thanks for participating, Alberta...

  26. Your new challenge for 2015 has inspired me :-) I haven't decided on all the books yet, but I'm sure interesting new authors will present themselves along the way. Thanks for hosting another wonderful reading challenge, Fanda!

    1. Hello Tze Wen, nice to see you again... And it's a pleasant surprise to have you participated in this challenge--thanks! Good luck with your books, and have fun... :)

  27. Great challenge! It will ensure that my reading this year is at least semi-diverse and broad. I would like to join!
    Susanna Olson - GoodReads

    1. Thanks Susanna. Hope you'll have fun with this challenge.
      I am also curious to see what you're planning to read...

  28. I'm in!

    1. I have put you on the list. Thanks for joining in, and good luck! ;)

  29. I think I tried to sign up earlier, not quite sure why I'm not on the list, so I'll try again. :-)

    Happy New Year btw.

    1. Hi, I'm sorry, I thought you're interesting but would like to think it over, so I didn't put you on the list. It's done now.... have fun, and good luck! ;)

  30. cannot get the linky to work for me - have posted on a general round up of my challenges this year with links to relevent sites and plans for the challenge - I will get a page ready for each one where I can list my books - the general review though will be on the address I gave

    1. Thanks Alberta for joining, I have put you on the list. Good luck! ;)

  31. Thank you Fanda for this beautiful challenge! I'm in for sure!! I've just started reading Peter Abelard's ((1079-1142), )"The Story of My Misfortunes" (Historia Calamitatum), and I think I will also read Monmouth's "The History of the Kings of Britain" (c. 1136).

    1. It's going to be fun, Maan! Thanks for joining. :)

  32. Very excited for this challenge. My reading list can be found here:

    1. Hi Miss Mortmain, I'm glad you like this challenge. Thanks for joining in!

  33. Hello Fanda, thanks for letting me join up despite being late. Here's my list:

    1. Thanks for joining, Jason. I'll put your name on participant list. I hope you can catch up with the Medieval to complete the challenge.


What do you think?