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Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Year in First Lines 2014

As I have begun this meme last year, and I found it interesting, I decided to do it again this year. The original meme was created by The Indextrious Reader, but until I post-scheduled this meme (on 23th December, because I’ll be on holiday from 24th), I still didn’t know whether she will host another meme this year. Anyway, I will still do this.

The rule is to take the first line of each month's post over the past year and see what it tells you about your blogging year. So here is my 2014 in first lines,

January: “Attention! Passengers on board of the Sail to the Past: History Reading Challenge 2014….it’s time for us to start our yearlong voyage.”

February: “Finally….the second five-stars reading of this year—thanks to Monsieur Saint Exupéry! [Terre des Hommes]”

March: “I have a mixed feeling about Don Quixote.”

April: “This second novel of Zola’s Rougon-Macquart series turns out to be very picturesque; as if Zola wants to explore his painter-side by describing in micro-details almost every landscape and building interior. [The Kill]”

May: “I have at first worked out the first ten chapters of The Prince, not knowing what I was going to get.”

June: “This must have been the most deceitful book I have ever read in my life: If on a winter’s night a traveler.”

July: “In honor of the late Maya Angelou—the honorable author, poet, and activist—who died on May 28, 2014, I decided to read her beautiful autobiography: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.”

August: “Confession: I have been dreading reading Jane Austen since I took The Classics Club project. [Sense and Sensibility]”

September: “I think I have just found a favorite female author, who can be juxtaposed with Zola’s genius, intense, and beautiful naturalist style: Edith Wharton. [The House of Mirth]”

October: “Approaching the end of year 2014, I think I have found a new masterpiece: Maugham’s Of Human Bondage!”

November: “After Wuthering Heights about three years ago, this year I finally got a chance to read another Brontë’s. [Jane Eyre]”

December: “The year 2014 nearly comes to its end…..and so does our sail to the past: History Reading Challenge 2014 [Challenge wrap up post]”

Now I can’t wait to start the 2015!


  1. I love this! Particularly March, June, and October :) You're also making me think I should read a lot more Wharton - I do like her, but I've never got excited about buying new books for some reason. I should get a few more - all I've read is Ethan Frome, Age of Innocence, and House of Mirth.

    I've seen this meme before and I didn't want to do it because I always start the month with a blog post about the month's goals, so I believed every month would be "I can't believe it's [month] already!" but I had a look and it isn't too bad!

    1. I have a feeling, I would end up reading and collecting all Wharton's books, along with Dickens' and Zola's. :)

      About the meme, you can pick any post within the months, not just the earliest ones. It can be from reviews or any other posts. I found it interesting, that now, everytime I'm about to write any post, I would consider the most attractive first line I could get to open it. It has made me more creative. :)

  2. Such a lot of good reading! I'm hoping to read my first Zola next year. Wharton didn't leave me with a good first impression when I read her The Age of Innocence. But I bought her House of Mirth to see if I might learn to like her. I find, except for Jane Eyre and Sense & Sensibility I haven't read any of the books you have mentioned in your first liners. I'm not sure I'd ever be interested in reading Machiavelli, but the others I hope to read some day....

    1. Hope you'll like Zola, then, he's one of my most favorite authors :)

      Someone told me The Age of Innocence is even better than The House of Mirth, but everyone has his own taste, I think. Hope you'll find your way to Wharton through The House of Mirth.


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