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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Announcing Zoladdiction 2018 | #Zoladdiction2018 – Sign Up

February is coming to the end soon; it won’t be long ‘till April. And April means: ZOLADDICTION!

As I have already mentioned last month, a new feature is coming up on the fifth anniversary of Zoladdiction this year. Without further ado, voila…

ZOLADDICTION 2018 | #Zoladdiction2018

  1. Leave comment with your blog URL (or Goodreads/Facebook) or URL of your sign-up post. You can join as long as the event is still up (no closing date).
  2. Reading book(s) or other writings by Émile Zola or about Émile Zola from 1st to 30th April. No idea which book to pick? Here is the list of Zola’s complete works.
  3. Post your thoughts or reviews of the books, and link it up in the provided linky on the Master Post (will be up on April 1st). You may post on your blog, Goodreads, or even Facebook.
  4. As the main purpose of this event is to spread recognition to Zola, I encourage you to share your posts in social media (Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram) using hashtag: #Zoladdiction2018 and #EmileZola.


To add more fun to Zoladdiction, and to encourage more people to read and love Zola, there will be a mini themed challenge; different theme each year. This year we will do #ZolaStyle—exploring his unique literary style, which I have divided into three categories:

Literal Painting
Zola had great interest in paintings. He had been a strong promoter of Impressionism; supported and befriended young artists such as Manet and Cézanne. His literary style often had quality of a painting. Quote and share those literal paintings you find from the book you are reading, or any book you have read; add paintings or pictures too if you like. You can check this post to get more idea about this literal painting.

Naturalism Metaphor
Zola often uses natural things as metaphor. In The Belly of Paris, for instance, cheeses are described as fruits. In Germinal, the mining machine becomes a giant beast; and a steam locomotive transforms into a woman in La Bete Humaine. Quote and post about this naturalism you find from the book you are reading, or any book you have read. Click this link if you need example.

Heredity Problem
As a Naturalist, Zola believed that human psychology is heavily influenced by heredity and environment. He wrote the twenty novels in The Rougon Macquart series to study this. Analyze, discuss, and post the heredity problem of the book you are reading, or any book you have read.

How #ZolaStyle Works

  1. #ZolaStyle challenge is NOT obligatory, you may opt for reading books only.
  2. You may post just one or all category for each book – in as many posts as you want; as often as you like, from 1st to 30th April.
  3. You can use current book you are reading, or any books you have read before.
  4. There will be TWO linkys in Master Post: for reviews and for #ZolaStyle challenge (both will be up on April 1st).
  5. It’s not obligatory, but if you own Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook accounts, sharing your #ZolaStyle posts means you are helping in spreading acknowledgement to Zola’s works. Please make sure to use these hashtags: #ZolaStyle #EmileZola #Zoladdiction2018 on your posts.
  6. Each #ZolaStyle post linked up at #ZolaStyle linky will be entered to win book(s) by Emile Zola of your choice max $20 from Book Depository. Yay!

Right now I am working on a kind of Zola section in this blog, a dedicated page for Zola. It will mostly contain links to my posts about Zola’s books or books about Zola: reviews, quotes, literary styles. On the later, I plan to put links to some of your posts too from #ZolaStyle.

Are you ready for another (or two, or more) Zola? Join us!


  1. I definitely want to read some Zola this April! I was thinking about A Love Episode (received a lovely new edition from Oxford World's Classics last year). I also have Money, The Fortunes of the Rougons, and La Debacle. Have you read any of them? Which do you recommend?

    1. I'm glad you'll join Zoladdiction, Karen! I will also read the OWC's A Love Story, along with The Sin of Abbe Mouret.

      I have read all three of the titles you mentioned. It depends.. if you read for pleasure, La Debacle is the most enjoyable. It's interesting too because it's the only historical fiction Zola ever wrote. But if you are interested in tackling the heredity issue, you'll find The Fortunes of Rougons important and interesting, as it lays Zola's foundation to built his case. "Money" is less interesting (at least to me); it deals a lot with stock market and financial terms. So, take time to choose. Let me know your choice at the end: I'm curious! :D

  2. I'm in!
    I plan to read The Kill. Love the mini-challenge too - any chance to troll through art work looking for relevant images sounds like fun :-)

    my sign up post

    1. Yayy! Thanks for participating again. And yes, dealing with artworks for Zola is always fun! And with The Kill, you will be enjoying a stroll down Bois de Boulogne, I believe! ;)

  3. I think I'll read The Kill as well - here's my sign-up post!

    Thanks for the invite!

    1. Yayy! Thanks for joining, Marian! And The Kill is perfect for doing the #ZolaStyle mini challenge! ;)

  4. I'm reading His Masterpiece. I am looking forward to this not only for the artists but also for Zola's self-portrait.

    1. Ah yes, The Masterpiece is unique because it touched Zola's own life and world. Happy reading, then, Michael!

  5. I got to the end of the novel. I was fascinated by the character Sandoz, a novelist, whom Zola based on himself: "I, who bestow every care on my books — I despise myself, for I feel that, despite all my efforts, they are incomplete and untruthful."


What do you think?