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Monday, February 19, 2018

Challenges Update: February

February is always my favorite month. My birthday is on this month, and for me there is always an excitement in the air. In my age one does not really expecting birthday party with many presents; just a quiet lunch with my family. But this year, about a week from my birthday, I had a nice surprise from Adam—he picked me as winner of his #TBR2018RBR mini challenge! As it was Charles Dickens’ birthday, I chose a book from the Vintage Classics Dickens Series. By the way, these series are quite beautiful. My favorite is the Russians Series, but I’m not really into it right now. I have bought one of the Bronte Series last month, and liked it. Anyway, I know the gift is not intentionally for my birthday, but I’m happy to take it as my birthday present! ๐Ÿ’

As for progress, I have been unusually productive so far:

Book(s) read = 5
Review(s) posted = 5

  1. Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier for #TBR2018RBR
  2. The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux for Back to the Classics Challenge 2018 (Re-read a favorite classic)
  3. Towards Zero by Agatha Christie for Back to the Classics Challenge 2018 (a classic crime story)
  4. The End of the Affair by Graham Greene for #TBR2018RBR and The Classics Club
  5. March by Geraldine Brooks for #TBR2018RBR

Question of the month from #TBR2018RBR:

What are your strategies for staying on top of your reading goals? Do you keep a bullet journal or other kind of planner? Do you aim for a certain number of books per week, per month? Do you just “wing it” and let whatever happens, happen? Tell us your secrets!
I make a one-year reading list in Excel; with certain books per month. Of course the books are not just randomly picked; I must keep a balance between tough and light books, classics and popular. Most importantly, I must adapt the list with my own reading pace. This way, I can manage to be on top of my reading goals and to keep up with all the challenges.

Right now I am only several days before ending East of Eden, so I can positively say that I have read 6 books in two months, wow! I love East of Eden so much it takes me nearly a month to finish it—having been savouring it slowly, and often repeating certain passages twice or even thrice. You see…. February always sends good vibes around me! ๐Ÿ˜‰


  1. Happy birthday, Fanda! I think winning a book is a fabulous birthday present. :D

    1. Thanks Jane. Yes, book is the greatest present for bookworms ;)


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