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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Zoladdiction 2021: Announcement - #Zoladdiction2021

Zoladdiction will be back next month! This would be the 8th Zoladdiction I've hosted in this blog. For you who are not familiar with it, Zoladdiction is a reading event on April, to celebrate the birthday of Émile Zola. It is mainly because we love Zola's writings, and also to get more and more people to appreciate his works. For the whole month we will read, post, and talk about Zola - his life, his works, and his influence.

What's in Zoladdiction 2021?

  • This year I encourage you to go beyond reading.
  • Yes, we will still read Zola, but during April we can also share/post/tweet/talk about just any thing that is related to Zola. A book you're reading reminds you of Zola? Share it! Found Zola's quote/picture on Pinterest? Share it! Watched movie about Zola? Share it! Anything at all.
  • If you chose to read quietly, it's OK. You can pick one of Zola's works, or Zola's biography, or any books about Zola by other writers.
  • To participate, simply leave comment, or mention me on Twitter, using hashtag #Zoladdiction2021, and tell me your plan for Zoladdiction (it might inspire others).
  • If you blog about your participation, leave the link in comment box.

This time I will not be reading alone. Brona will be my reading buddy; we will read The Sin of Abbe Mouret (it's a reread for me). I plan to read one more book, but haven't made up my mind of the title. Either a biography or short stories collection, it will depend on how much time I'd got left before end of April.

So, are you in? What's your plan?



  1. I'm in! This year I hope to finally complete La Debacle, which I've been putting off forever -- I've been intimidated by the length and because it's a war novel, which is not my favorite genre. But I've heard that Zola himself considered it his best novel, so I should really give it a try.

    I also have a biography of Zola that I found in a secondhand bookshop so I may give that a try as well. I don't know if it's one of the better biographies though. Fanda, which biography were you going to read?

    1. Kate, I'm glad you're joining Zoladdiction this year. La Debacle is not a "fun" book to read - but Zola's are never much fun, right? - but you'd be glad you've read it in the end.

      The biography I have on hand is Alan Schom's, which is said to be the most complete and honest there was. The only other biography I've ever read is FWJ Hemmings's which I found not as thorough as I expected. Which biography do you have?

  2. I’m planning on reading book 5 in the series plus Brian Nelson’s little Oxford guide to Zola.
    Very excited, as always.

    1. Aha! I have just bought the e-book, and am still considering whether to read the biography or the little Oxford guide. Hmm, so many Zola books to read...
      Thanks for joining Zoladdiction again, Brona!


What do you think?