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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Zoladdiction 2021: Master Post

It's April! And it means Zoladdiction 2021 begins this very day! 

This is the 8th Zoladdiction I have hosted in this blog. For you who are not familiar with, Zoladdiction is an annual reading event during the month of April, to celebrate the birthday of Emile Zola. It is mainly because we love Zola's writings, and also to get more and more people to appreciate his works.

As usual, we will read Zola's works, or works about Zola during the month, and of course, to share our thoughts (or anything related to Zola) to the world.

A formal sign up does not really required for participating, just let me know that you're in. And please tag or mention me on Twitter, or just leave a comment here, whenever you post anything for Zoladdiction. That way I can share/tweet/retweet it.

Now, let the fun begins.... 


  1. I’m in!

  2. I'm in again also, and this year I'm determined to finally read La Debacle, which is the longest of the four unread Zola novels on my TBR shelves. And I also have the Alan Schom biography, so I might try to squeeze that one in as well.

  3. The Sin of Father Mouret done and dusted - cleaning pun intended :-)

  4. Finally finished La Debacle! It was long but so worth it, thanks again for hosting!

  5. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to join you this year. I overstretched myself in March so by the time April came along I wasn't feeling in the right mood to join another reading event. Better luck next year!

    Karen @BookerTalk


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