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Sunday, May 29, 2022

May Wrap-Up, What's Next for June

First of all, I would like to thank all of you who have left encouraging comments to my last month post. I've read every single one of them, and I'm really, deeply touched by your attention and support! I'm sorry I couldn't make myself responding to your comments, but I really appreciate it. Thanks! πŸ’

How am I doing now, you might wonder? Apparently, May has brought new challenge for our family. On top of my father's Parkinson's and osteoporotic spinal pains, he has caught a Herpes Zooster. It's a terrible blow, not only on my father, but also my mother and me. But we have to keep going, right?

I was so afraid of going down the mental exhaustion again, that I must find ways to numb my mind and emotion whenever I was idle. Reading didn't give me the expected result, so I turned to Netflix. It worked! I've binge-watched The Good Doctor (5 seasons), Heartland (seasons 14 and 15), Downton Abbey (re-watching the whole 6 seasons, anticipating its rumored of leaving Netflix soon), and re-watching season 6 of When Calls the Heart. I have also been watching season 13 of Masterchef Australia on youtube. Reading? Of course I still read, but not much.

Now I'm looking forward to June. This is always my favorite month of the year, because the air will be cooler, but not too windy. Time to do reading by the window again! (that's the picture of me reading, above).

πŸ“š What I've Read in May

Following your advises in the comments, I have finished my slowl reading of Cather's A Lost Lady (❤ it!). I'm also having been through half of Frances Burney's Evelina (quite enjoyable, though sometimes boring). Reviews will follow soon.

What about you? How's your May reading? Were you having fun?


πŸ“Š Total books read: 12
πŸ“Š Challenge progress:
* 2022 TBR Pile Challenge: 5
* Back to the Classics Challenge 2022: 8
* 2022 Chunkster Challenge: 1

And so, I am now ready to face the new month!

πŸ“š What's happening in June

I will continue on reading the last half of Evelina, of course.

And I think I will keep #JazzAgeJune going, though I can't make my mind on what to read yet. I don't feel like having too much Fitzgerald's short stories right now. Maybe I'd pick Wharton's Twilight Sleep instead. And combine it later with a few of Fitzie's shorties? Hmm...
By the way, you are welcomed to join me in #JazzAgeJune if you want to.

After that I'd perhaps need a play for a change. A Chekhov's would be nice. The Seagull perhaps?

What about you? Do you have plans for June reading?


  1. I wish all the best for you and your family, Mbak! semoga keadaan cepat membaik!

    I'm still thinking of joining Jazz Age June as I've planned it earlier this year. hope I won't fail this event as I did in other reading challenge/event πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

    1. Thanks, Ratih! <3
      And yay for joining Jazz Age June! Have fun with Gatsby, old sport! ;)

  2. Sorry to hear about your dad. Hopefully he is on his way to being healed of shingles. I know it is very painful especially for older folks. : ( I had it several months ago -- though very mild -- and it was very burdensome. It can sometimes be brought on by stress.

    My father also suffers with debilitating lower bad pain. Now that he lives with us, I see his struggles every day and he knows that there isn't much to be done about his pain and discomfort. So the best to be done is to lift his spirits, be cheerful, helpful, and comforting.

    As for your reads: I'm curious about A Lost Lady and that you liked it very much. So I look forward to reading your review. It has been so long since I last read Cather.

    1. Yes, he is on healing process, Ruth, thank you! But I didn't expect this to be so long. It's been almost a month, and the shingles have not vanished completely. But the pain has gone, and there's only... how to say it... nerve discomfort? Anyway, it's not painful anymore, so, thank God!

      Sorry to hear about your father, Ruth. I guess that's the hardest part of living and taking care of old & invalid parents - we need to be cheerful all the time (to lift their spirits), while we are actually sad because our dearest ones are suffering. And when we are having a good time (which we deserve), we'd feel slightly guilty, because they are suffering. And to live like that constantly is really tiring.

      A Lost Lady is quite interesting, but I will explain it in my review. Just need to find the mood to write it. :P

  3. I'm glad to hear that you have found what works for you Fanda to avoid mental exhaustion. When caring for others, it is so important to look after yourself as well. Thrilled that Masterchef Australia is part of your chill out time :-)

    Take care xo

    1. Thanks for your support, Brona!
      Oh I love Masterchef AU, especially with the new judges. Love everything about the show - the camaraderie among the contestants, the supportive judges, even the lovely garden. Loving, warm, but thrilling at the same time. <3

  4. I am doing #JazzAgeJune, too Fanda, although just using the hashtag. I decided this year to read four works from 1922.


What do you think?