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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

πŸ–€ I don't think this is a book which many of you will be interested to read what I thought about. It seems that at some points, everyone has read this one of Christie's masterpieces, at least once. Or have you never read it? Then you should! If you only plan to read only a few from Christie, pick this as one of them.

πŸ–€ As for myself, this is probably my fourth reading, so I doubt I could add anything new to write, but as I always write about what I read..., here we go...

πŸ–€ I won't put a proper synopsis here, for most of you might have known the story already. But for those who haven't, it's about ten strangers who are invited to spend holidays in a deserted island (Indian Island), where one by one was mysteriously murdered, to the last person standing.

πŸ–€ It seems like a usual crime story, but what makes it outstanding, is how Christie crafted it in a dark, superstitious, looming-danger atmosphere, that will send chills down your spine during the entire reading. That aspect, perhaps, is what makes it so beloved by fans, and gives it title as one of the best mystery novels ever written.

πŸ–€ As I have read it many times before, the whodunnit aspect gave me less thrill than for first time reader. I didn't care whether the murderer is one of the ten, or perhaps an 'invisible' stranger on the island. I know who the murderer is, I know who would die next, and how. This time I was focusing more on the psychological aspect of each character, and more importantly, how Christie crafted her ingenious plot without, for once, revealing the murderer. Considering the motive - which was revealed on the guests' first night on the spot - we should have easily guessed which one has the most interest, and therefore, the most probable murderer. But I bet many of you, like me, can't! 🀭 And that only highlighted Christie's admirable genius.

πŸ–€ I believe this might be my last reading of this book, as I have feeling that this book's charm will keep fading on every further rereads I'd do in the future. And hence this post/review. Let me just remember Christie's genius which, years ago, has once given me one of the best reading experiences I'd ever had in my life.

Rating: 4,5 / 5


  1. I'm rereading an old favourite at the moment as well, and have had concerns that its charms may have faded. But so far I'm enjoying it, though prehaps not as much as the first time I read it. Outgrowing favourites happens to us all, sounds like you've learnt to happy trick of knowing when its time to let them go and simply enjoy the happy memories.

    Have been thinking about you, hope you're well.

    1. Outgrowing favorite, that's the right term for it.
      Luckily for us, there're always two kinds of books - one which struck you on first read, but fades away with time, and the other which grows with you and gets better in every reread.

      Thank you for always be there for me, Brona. Well, at least I'm well enough to reply to comments today... :)

  2. I haven't read this since high school, though I do have a copy for re-reads. I suspect once the twist is known, a lot of its potency is diminished. It's a bit like watching Fight Club six times or have to watch it twice to get the full effect, but thereafter you enter the world of diminishing returns.

    1. This one is definitely for one (or two) time read only. But some of Christie's are still enjoyable for re-reads. But maybe it's because the plot isn't as memorable (or genius) as ATTWN?


What do you think?