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Monday, December 12, 2022

The Lucky Spin Number is 6, and The Book Is...


CC Spin # 32 has drawn its lucky number: 6. And the lucky book from my list is...

The Woodlanders by Thomas Hardy

Honestly, I was hoping to get no. 1 (Rural Hours) or no. 9 (Dandelion Wine). But The Woodlanders is nice too, at least it's not as bulky as Middlemarch! :)) Plus, I'm planning to read a Hardy next year, anyway.

My only concern is that I'll have to read it from my physical book (instead of e-book), and reading a paperback in January isn't perfect for me due to the lack of afternoon light. You see, between daily chores and full time job, I don't have much time left for reading. I can squeeze about an hour each (working) day by reading while commuting, during lunch break (if possible), and before sleep. The problem with January is that here in Indonesia we are in the midst of monsoon season, when it rains often in the afternoon on my way home. And that makes it almost impossible to read a book. Usually I pick books which I can read from my Playbook reader, and that's how The Woodlanders is a tough choice. I can probably switch to the e-book version, but it seems such a waste when I own a paperback copy!

Anyway, I'm still quite excited to start 2023 with Hardy. Maybe I just need to pick a second read from my e-book TBR list to read only in the afternoon, so that I won't waste my reading time. :)

Which book do you get? Are you satisfied with what you get?


  1. This is not a Hardy that I'm familiar with so I look forward to seeing what you think of it! I think your idea of having a backup e-book is a good one.

    1. I know, that's why I'm a bit excited. Someone commented that she loved Woodlanders, so hopefully it'll be a good one.

    2. That is so interesting about your commute. I used to ride the bus or train to work and you have no control over what the driver does with the lighting! I like most of the Hardys I've read, but I've not read this one. I hope it's a good start to the year for you.🤞👍

    3. Thanks, Laurie! I uses online car, and sometimes, even when it's a sunny day, the car's window is coated with (very) dark film, that it's impossible to read a book without risking your vision! Another 20 minutes of my reading time wasted!

  2. I haven't read this Hardy novel yet, but I do like his writing. Hope this turns out to be a good one. :)

    1. Thanks, Lark! I'm going to start it today. Will report back next month! :)

  3. Interesting choice of cover art for that copy. The photo is grown up Alice Liddell --- Lewis Carroll's inspiration for Alice in Wonderland.

    1. Really? I had no idea! From her face I can see traces of adventurous and precocious little child which might have fascinated Carroll. Very interesting piece of information, thanks for letting me know!

  4. I read The Woodlanders a while back and liked it. It'll be interesting to see what you think.

    I'm currently reading Hardy myself, Wessex Tales. I'm finding it very good.

    1. I'm 100-ish pages through right now, and love it so far! I sense this would be a tragic triangle love story again... hopefully I'm wrong, but knowing Hardy... well, let's just see! :))

      I've never heard of Wessex Tales. Would love to hear about it from you, Reese!


What do you think?