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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday: New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2022

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, and this week prompt is to appreciate new authors we've discovered last year. Here's mine with the books I've read and reviewed from each author:

New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2022

1. Katrina Nannestad
Loved the series, and will read the last one soon!

2. Helene Hanff
Loved her sharp wit in this memoir, and look forward to read its sequel!)

3. Murasaki Shikibu
Not very pleasant to read, but admired her as the first ever published novel from a female writer in the world!)

4. Budi Darma
An Indonesian writer. Won't read more from him, just too absurd for my taste.

5. Richard Osman
Loved this first book of the crime series, and can't wait to read more)

6. Elisabeth von Arnim
Loved her witty sarcastic satire, will definitely read more.

7. Frances Burney
Loved her comic scenes, but maybe nothing more from her for the time being.

8. Stephanie Barron
Loved the balance of cozy mystery, light romance, and historical accuracy of Jane Austen's world. Looking forward to read the series from the beginning.

9. Janine Marsh
Yes, I read three books in row! They are a good memoirs, though.

10. Michael Bond
I'd certainly love to read more of Paddington, one's never enough!

Have you read any books from those authors? Who's your favorite, and which book do you think I should read next?



  1. Michael Bond wrote mysteries, too! I've only read one, but it while was silly it was sort of fun.

    1. I didn't know that. Will check for it, then. A silly mystery seems rather fun!

  2. I have Richard Osman on my TBR, and hope that I will be able to read some this year.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. If you love cozy mysteries with combination of deep melancholy & humor, you'll enjoy them!

  3. I really enjoy the Jane series by Stephanie Barron! My TTT

    1. It's charming, isn't it? Can't wait to read more from the series!

  4. It's great you found so many new authors to love! I hope you continue to enjoy their books in the future.

  5. I've heard of a few of these, but never read any. "A Tale of Genji" is one with a lot of name recognition.

    1. Tale of Genji was one of my most intriguing reads. I didn't even know that the writer is female until I read the intro. I read the abridged version, by the way, can't imagine how anyone can possibly read the unabridged!

  6. Have you read Enchanted April by von Arnim? That's the book of hers that I like best. :D

    1. I haven't, Lark. Planning to read it this year, but let's just see. ;)

  7. I've not read books by any of these authors, but glad to see you enjoyed them.
    My TTT:

  8. I love the Paddington stories and Richard Osman. Unfortunately they were discovered prior to 2022. Not that I had a lot of room on my list - so many new authors!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. ....and so many books from just one new author, let alone many of others!

  9. The Paddington stories are so much fun! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. I've been collecting Bond's other stories too, they also look fun!

  10. I really enjoyed Evelina; Elizabeth Von Arnim's The Enchanted April and Elizabeth and Her German Garden, and Osman's The Man Who Died Twice (second of the series), and keen to try the others. I do hope to read Paddington soon. I'm familiar with the story but haven't read the book

    1. I'll be reading The Enchanted April in a few days (after finishing my current read), so I'm very excited knowing you everybody seems loved it.
      Paddington, I think, is must better in book than in movie, so hopefully you can get to read it soon.


What do you think?