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Monday, May 27, 2024

The Sign in the Sky by Agatha Christie #AgathaChristieSS24

πŸ’™ Here is another story of Mr. Satterthwaite solving a murder mystery with the help of his enigmatic friend Mr. Harley Quin. It begins when a young man was sentenced for murdering a lady with whom he had had an affair. Mr. Satterthwaite attended the trial and wasn't satisfied with the result, though he didn't know why, and would have never thought of doing anything about it if he hadn't bumped into Mr. Harley Quin.

πŸ’™ The meeting took place in a restaurant Mr. Satterthwaite frequented. Their conversation was around the murder case, and slowly but subtly Mr. Harley Quin guided Mr. Satterthwaite to act quickly before the young man was hanged.

πŸ’™ It apparently happened that all of the servants had given evidence at both the inquest and trial; all but one. And this was the one lead that Mr. Satterthwaite should follow to reveal the truth. It's rather funny how Quin encouraged Mr. Satterthwaite to take a journey to Canada, which he (Satterthwaite) refused indignantly at first, but in the end enjoyed the trip.

πŸ’™ It's the kind of mystery we are familiar with from Christie - simple, reasonable, and clever. And that is why, I think, I begin to enjoy these short stories - the satisfaction of completely following the case's detail (which are more straightforward than novels because of the shortness of the story) and finding the solution by my own. I mean plot twists are exciting, but sometimes it feels good to have guessed a mystery correctly!

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2

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