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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

#CCSpin: Stormy, Misty's Foal (1963) by Marguerite Henry

🐴 First of all, my initial #CCSpin #37 book, that is no. 8 of my list, was The Duchess of Bloombury Street. However, upon checking my Google Playbook - which is one of the sources for my readings nowadays - I found out that, alas, 'this item isn't available in your country'. That was annoying, because I had wanted to read that book, and now, apparently, I can't. Well, until it's available again (will they?) I can't read it! Anyway, as I couldn't get hold of the book, I switched to no. 9: Stormy, Misty's Foal, which proved to be a success! 

🐴 Based on historical real-life story of equine and human characters, Stormy, Misty's Foal is a children novel (third of a series) set in Chincoteague island in Virginia (now made famous by this series). The nearest island is Assateague, which is famous for its wild ponies.

🐴 The Beebes are the owner of Beebe Ranch, the family consisted of Mr. Beebe and his wife, who lived there with Paul and Maureen, their grandchildren. Paul and Maureen, aged around thirteen, own a horse called Misty, which was foaled from wild horses in Assateague (its story was told in the first book).

🐴 Misty was now close to foaling, but what made the family more anxious is the beginning of storm that hit their land with hurricane and floods. It was a prelude of the famous Ash Wednesday Storm of 1962, one of ten most disastrous storms in the US history of 20th century. The Beebes must evacuate from their beloved ranch by helicopter, but they could neither bring Misty with them nor leave her alone in the stable. So, they put her in the kitchen with enough hay for the time being, then left their house.

🐴 Most of the story was about the struggles of the Chincoteaguers in dealing with the disaster. Through these vignettes we are brought to see how humanity triumphed over devastation. Their heroic salvation of their fellow human beings run parallel with their indefatigable efforts to save the animals from perish.

🐴 Reading my review you would think this is a bleak story; but it's not. There are the sense of hope and triumph throughout the story, sprinkled with humour and kindness, that will warm you heart. If you love horses, then this story would doubly entertain you. It's a satisfying feeling when a horse delivers its foal safely onto the world, right? (this is not a spoiler, as the title had hinted it) All in all, this was a wonderful reading for me, I loved every moment of it!

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2

1 comment:

  1. My sister absolutely loved Marguerite Henry's books when we were growing up and read them over and over and over. I loved horse books, too, but only if they also had a girl in them. ;D


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