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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Six Degrees of Separation, from Trust to David Copperfield

Six Degrees of Separation is a meme, now hosted by Kate @ booksaremyfavoriteandbest.

On the first Saturday of every month, a book is chosen as a starting point and linked to six other books to form a chain. Readers and bloggers are invited to join in by creating their own ‘chain’ leading from the selected book.

This month we start from:

- I have read all book except the starter.
- Each title is linked to, either my review, or to Goodreads page if I didn't review it.

I haven't read the book, but the theme is money/financial scheme. One book popped up instantly in my head:


1. Money by Émile Zola

It's about speculation and fraudulent financial scheme on Paris Bourse in 19th century. Aristide Saccard - main character of this novel - is anti-semitic. His principal rival is a Jewish banker. Another book where its character is also an anti-Semite who deals with a Jewish is:


2. Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

There might be quite many books set in Venice, but one book that instantly came to my mind:


3. The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe

While the story isn't entirely set in Venice, it is in Venice that poor and innocent Emily meets Count Morano for the first time. Emily isn't the only orphaned girl with aggressive suitor in literature. I've read last year a book where the heroine suffered similar predicament:


4. Evelina by Frances Burney

Evelina, or A Young Lady's Entrance into the World is an epistolary novel, and so is...


5. Elizabeth and Her German Garden by Elizabeth von Arnim

It is a semi autobiographical novel of Elizabeth von Arnim, which reminds me of another book that share the same genre, but from different century:


6. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens

Another semi autobiographical novel, which is also one of my all-time favorite books.

And that’s how the chain ended. It’s been fun… I should do this more often!



  1. Wonderful chain! I didn't know Copperfield was semi-autobiographical. I haven't read it in YEARS!

    1. Thanks, Davida! David Copperfield is my most favorite from Dickens. Maybe it's that good because Dickens wrote it about himself?...

  2. Such a good idea to choose classics for your chain, reminding me at least that I yet have some of these to read. Annoyingly, Google is forcing me to comment from Google (I have a Gmail account) even though I blog with WordPress. My own post is here:

    1. Maybe classics are the easiest choice, because the story sticks on you long after reading.
      I'm often annoyed too when commenting on a wordpress blog! If only there's only one blogging platform...

    2. Quite! But thanks for commenting on mine, despite the struggle ...

  3. Great chain! I'm so pleased to see Dickens and Elizabeth von Arnim in your chain, since I love both their books. Evelina was a great read too.

    1. Thanks, Mallika! Dickens has been in my favorite authors list for long, but now von Arnim has joined him in the group! ;)

  4. Wow - terrific chain and since I rarely read classics, I'm impressed that you were able to connect so many.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Thanks, Terrie! Will check on your post too later.


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