Monday, July 31, 2023

Goodbye Paris In July! Goodbye Papa! πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

I got through July with mixed feelings. The first half is full of joy and cheerfulness. I read a lot - four books - for Paris in July. I even got a chance to do virtual walking in Paris. All was well.

Then came the storm. On 16th July, my Parkinson's-father felt sharp pain in his right chest - he couldn't breathe without pain. We brought him to the ER, where they'd found an infection, Pneumonia-turned-sepsis in his lung. That night they put him in ICU. Two days later he passed away, only two days short of his 80th birthday.

My mother and I knew beforehand that the end is near because of Papa's worsening condition. So, we have prepared ourselves for the big day. We were constantly by his side during his last hours - together with Papa's two younger brothers - caressing him, showering him with love and forgiveness, saying goodbyes, and also prayers. We witnessed the continuing drops of Papa's vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, respiration) from the monitor, until he passed. I'm relieved that Papa didn't suffer during his passing, he was as peaceful as if falling to deep sleep.

After that, it's the exhausting business of burying a loved one, which you could probably have imagined. I've slept very little during that tough week, constantly making important decisions, being an only child. But thank God, my best friends came to the rescue (indeed, you'd realize who your true friends are in times like this!), and I could finally get through those trying moments. My books are also the silent but most reliable friends I could always count on.

This day, I am in process of re-constructing my life. I often miss Papa, but am relieved at the same time that his suffering has come to an end, and he now lives happily ever after with Our Father in heaven. One day we will be together again, but for now I must continue on without him.

I'm sorry for not having been much around the blogosphere lately - I miss visiting your blogs, leaving comments, and replying to your comments. Don't worry, I'll come around eventually! Meanwhile, here's my recap of Paris in July 2023:

Books read and reviewed:
The Mystery of the Yellow Room by Gaston Leroux
The President's Hat by Antoine Laurain
Letters from My Windmill by Alphonse Daudet
Dear Paris: The Paris Letters Collection by Janice MacLeod

Paris posts beyond reading:
A Walk in Paris: Montmartre District
My French Playlist

A huge thanks to Emma @ Words and Peace for hosting this wonderful event, and I really hope I can enjoy much more next year. But for now, I must say: Goodbye Paris in July 2023! Goodbye Papa! Au revoir! πŸ‘‹πŸΌ


  1. Fanda, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Praying for you and your family, and may God bless your father in Paradise. ❤️

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your father! My dad died five years ago and I still miss him. But I do take comfort knowing death isn't the end and that I will see him again someday, and that he's in a good place. Keeping you in my heart and prayers!

    1. Yes, that knowledge really does help in our grief, isn't it? I know my father suffered a lot during his last days, so it's a relieve that that period is over now. Thanks, Lark! <3

  3. You and your family continue to be in my prayers.

  4. So very sorry to hear about your father Fanda. My deepest sympathies and prayers.

  5. Dear Fanda
    I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Even when someone has been ill for a time, the relief is still mixed up with much grief and sadness. Thinking of you and sending my condolences.
    Bron xoxo


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