in English is in the bottom of this post]
Sebuah buku
yang menggedor pintu kesadaran kita semua akan perlakukan manusia terhadap
sesama makhluk ciptaan Tuhan. Black Beauty adalah kisah tentang kehidupan
seekor kuda, yang ia tuturkan sendiri dari sudut pandangnya. Kisah dimulai
ketika Beauty masih seekor kuda muda (colt) yang masih menikmati indahnya
menjadi kuda yang bebas merdeka di sebuah peternakan bersama ibunya. Beauty
dididik dengan baik oleh sang ibu yang selalu menanamkan nilai-nilai kehidupan.
Dari awal ibunya menekankan bahwa kehidupan kuda memang selalu tergantung pada
manusia yang menjadi majikannya, kuda tak akan pernah merdeka. Mereka beruntung
bila mendapatkan majikan yang memperhatikan kepentingan mereka dan memberikan
kasih sayang kepada mereka, namun adakalanya nasib membawa mereka ke tangan
pemilik yang kejam, dan memperlakukan kuda bak sebuah mesin. Kemanapun nasib
membawa, sang ibu mengajarkan kepada Beauty, bahwa ia harus selalu berusaha
sebaik mungkin.
Setelah itu
Beauty berganti-ganti pemilik. Ada pemilik yang baik hati dan memahami kuda,
ada pula majikan yang hanya suka memaksa kuda bekerja keras. Beauty pernah
bekerja sebagai kuda penarik kereta bagi tuan/nyonya rumah, pernah pula menjadi
kuda penarik cabs (kereta taxi). Kadang ia merasa bahagia, kadang pula sengsara.
Semuanya ia lalui dengan selalu berusaha melakukan yang terbaik dan tak
memberontak seperti ajaran ibunya.
Dan lewat
penuturan Anna Sewell ini kita secara tak langsung diajak untuk lebih memahami
tentang cara merawat dan menyayangi kuda, atau makhluk lain ciptaan Tuhan
secara umum. Anda akan menemukan banyak pelajaran moral dari buku ini. Dan satu
hal yang menarik, kuda—meski secara fisik nampak serupa satu sama lain—ternyata
memiliki karakter yang berbeda karena masa lalunya pun berbeda. Sama seperti
Lima kereta
untuk kisah yang menyentuh ini! J
“We call them dumb animals, and so they are,
for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they
have no words.”
I always
thought Black Beauty is a children book. Well, it is—perhaps, but I am grateful
to read it as an adult, as I got so many deep philosophies throughout the book,
which I might not have appreciated as a child. The main theme is how we should treat
animals as God’s creatures, that animals—just as human being—can feel and need
affection. Sewell gave several examples in this story, of people who
ill-treated their horses, as if they were machines. In fact, not only that it’s
not good for the horses, in the long run it was not good for the owner too.
Over-working would only shortening horse’s productivity, and at the end the
owner must sell it and buy a new horse after every short interval of time.
Sewell also
criticized how people at that time (the 19th century) used horses as
fashion accessories. The use of bearing rein, for example; its purpose was
merely to lift horses’ head to appear stouter when they were used on carriages.
Victorian high class people liked to show off their stout horses, it’s the
latest fashion. They never thought about the horses, how they must bear the
tension and uncomfortable neck position for hours. If the horses could talk,
here’s what they might say:
“You, who never had a bearing rein on, don't
know what it is; but I can tell you it is dreadful. (...) I like to toss my
head about, and hold it as high as any horse; but you can fancy how it would
feel if you tossed your head up high and were obliged to hold it there for
hours together, not able to move it at all, except with a jerk still higher;
and all this time your neck was aging till you did not know how to bear it."
~p. 46
There are a lot
of other examples of ill-using of horses in this book that made me want to slap
all those absurd people who only thought about their appearances. But on the
other hand, Sewell also gives many examples on how you should treat horses (or
animals in general). Being the same creation of God, they too need to be loved,
like us. From Black Beauty and his friends, I learn that they didn’t mind to
work hard, as long as the owner took care of their needs and stands for them
when they were in danger or being treated badly.
In the end,
man and horse (which represent all animals) were all habitant of this earth. We
can’t live alone; we need each other, so why don’t we work everything together,
hand in hand? When man and horse can trust each other, they would be a strong
partner in a harmony of life. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Five stars
for Black Beauty, it’s indeed one of those touching readings!
Title: Black
Author: Anna
Wordsworth Edition Limited
Published: 1993
Pages: 201
Wah, kok panjangan conclusionnya daripada review bahasa Indonya yah? :D
ReplyDeleteAku pernah baca cergam Black Beauty ini, jadi tau sekilas soal berganti-ganti tuan dan saat Beauty dan kuda lain dipaksa untuk berjalan dengan kepala tegak. Ternyata itu menyakitkan dan nggak alamiah sama sekali ya buat mereka...
Kapan2 pinjam aaah *tetep*
Suka kalimat ini, pelajaran yang bagus banget bagi kita manusia yang kadang-kadang masih semena-mena memperlakukan binatang (bisa jadi cerminan bagaimana kita memperlakukan sesama manusia) --> From Black Beauty and his friends, I learn that they didn’t mind to work hard, as long as the owner took care of their needs and stands for them when they were in danger or being treated badly.
Hahahah... 'pinjem mode'-nya gak pernah off ya? :P
DeleteAku setuju bahwa cara kita memperlakukan hewan merupakan cerminan kita memperlakukan sesama ya, karena dasarnya adalah satu: kasih.
oh gitu? kupikir black beauty cerita tentang anak-anak yang suka bersahabat dengan kuda. tertipu desain covernya orangebooks
ReplyDeleteBukan, Sin. Memang Black Beauty buku untuk anak-anak, tapi tokoh utamanya para kuda (terutama Black Beauty) dan orang-orang dengan siapa mereka bekerja. Tema utamanya adalah cara manusia merawat dan bekerja sama dengan kuda. Memang bagus juga untuk anak2, tapi menurutku buku ini justru harus dibaca orang dewasa, terutama yang memeilihara binatang.
Deleteakhirnya nemu jga org yg nulis tentang ini film.menurut saya ini film paling masuk akal dari perspektif si kudanya.menyentuh bgt ketika ia memperoleh majikan yg galak.dan ketika khirnya ia berganti pemilik seorang yg memang sayang binatang.dengan di waha pohon kesukaanya ia pun bermain dengan senang di perkebunan yang luas it
ReplyDeleteMaaf, kayaknya kamu salah deh, aku ngomongin tentang bukunya, bukan filmnya.
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ReplyDeleteGreat review of Black Beauty. I just read it and reviewed it. I found it fascinating that Anna Sewell used her book to teach about respectful care of horses. She was handicapped and wrote this a few years before passing away, with her mom dictating most of Anna's words, yet she persisted and wrote such a great story! Here is my review, if interested!