Monday, January 6, 2025

Agatha Christie Short Stories 2025: JANUARY #AgathaChristieSS25

First of all, I would like to thank you all who have been, completely or partly, participating in the #AgathaChristieSS24. I'm sorry for not being able to comment on all of your reviews, one by one, though I have read most of them. If you are participating again this year, I'm very grateful! Here you can find the LIST OF STORIES we're going to read along the year. You can put links to your reviews on the comment section of the monthly posts like this one (you can find them on my right side bar).

For January we will read one Poirot and one Tommy & Tuppence. Interestingly, they are both concerning flats (or at least the word 'flat' is on both titles...).


Too good to be true, a flat is rented at a suspiciously low rate and Poirot intends to find out why. He takes an apartment in the same building, and lies in wait. Will his suspicions prove well-founded? The story was first published as a book in the collection Poirot Investigates, 1924, by Bodley Head.


Following WWI Tommy and Tuppence are seeking some adventure. Luckily they’re soon offered a position covering Blunt’s Detective Agency, Tommy taking on the role of Mr Blunt, Tuppence as his secretary. They are told to be wary of the number 16; should they stumble across it, they will be one step closer an international spy ring. This story was published by Collins in the collection Partners in Crime in 1929, and had its title changed from Publicity to A Fairy in the Flat/A Pot of Tea.


The reviews:
- Mallika's
- Fanda's

Please put link to yours on the comment section. Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fanda, thank you so much for hosting this wonderful reading event! I am still catching up on January's picks, so here's my review for The Adventure of the Cheap Flat: -


What do you think?