Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Agatha Christie Short Stories 2025: MARCH #AgathaChristieSS25

What, we are already in March?! I haven't even posted my February reviews. Well, I would have to combine the two months into a post. Anyway, this month we will be back with Poirot and Tommy-Tuppence. You can find the complete reading list here, and please submit link to your reviews of this month's stories on the comment section of this post. Happy reading!


Poirot has influenza, but he is determined to solve a murder case in a country house. So, he asks Hastings to act as his legs. The story was first published as a book in the collection Poirot Investigates, 1924, by Bodley Head.


Ensconced in the offices of Blunt’s International Detective Agency at 118 Haleham Street, London, the Beresfords meet their first client, Lawrence St. Vincent. His secret love, shopgirl Janet Smith has disappeared without a trace. A rather boastful Tuppence claims finding her will take but twenty-four hours, though it is by no means certain that they will meet this impossible task.

This story was published by Collins in the collection Partners in Crime in 1929, and had its title changed from Publicity to A Fairy in the Flat/ A Pot of Tea.

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