Indonesian Literature

As an Indonesian, I feel that I have not read many Indonesian Literature in the past. I want to remedy that by creating an independent page for every Indonesian lit I read. Maybe that way, I can inspire my non-Indonesian followers to read more from Indonesian writers, or of Indonesian subject.

* I will put titles under two categories: by (Indonesian) writers, and about Indonesian subject, by foreign writers.
* For books that's already been translated to English, I will add the English titles next to its original (in case you want to check them at Amazon!).

By Indonesian Writers

1. Bumi Manusia (This Earth of Mankind) by Pramoedya Ananta Toer - 19th century, injustice during Dutch colonialism, 1st book of tetralogy
2. Orang-Orang Bloomington (People from Bloomington) by Budi Darma - 20th century, short story collection, set in Bloomington, Indonesian narrator
3. Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk (The Dancer) by Ahmad Tohari - 20th century, 1960 Indonesian genocide, backward village
4. Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto - 21th century, cozy mystery, humorous, set in USA
5. Gadis Kretek (Cigarette Girl) by Ratih Kumala (reread) - historical fiction, 20th century, cigarette business, during Japanese colonialism 

About Indonesia, by foreign writers

1. Max Havelaar: Or the Coffee Auctions of the Dutch Trading Company by Multatuli (aka Eduard Douwes Dekker) - 19th century, journal, injustice during Dutch colonialism, 'the book that killed colonialism'
2. Oeroeg (The Black Lake) by Hella S. Haasse - 20th century, Dutch colonialism

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